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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Site Suggestions Re:Spam posts on the forum (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Re:Spam posts on the forum
Posts: 2950
Spam posts on the forum 13 Years, 4 Months ago
The last months have seen an invasion of spammers on the forum. Since there necessarily aren't mods logged on 24-7, spam posts are deleted manually as we detect them.

I understand the fun in commenting on spam posts when they appear in existing threads, just beware that your jokes might look a bit strange after the spam post has been deleted
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Game & Watch
Posts: 1911
dubathonic releases
Re:Spam posts on the forum 13 Years, 4 Months ago
Nils wrote:
The last months have seen an invasion of spammers on the forum selling green laser pointers. Since there necessarily aren't mods logged on 24-7 to order green laser pointers for all of us, spam posts as well as links to green laser pointer merchants are deleted manually as we detect them.

I understand the fun in commenting on spam posts for laser pointers when they appear in existing threads, just beware that your jokes might look a bit strange after the spam post has been deleted

Thanks for the heads up, Nils. So that no one gets confused, we should make sure our replies quote the original post in full and with no edits whatsoever.
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Posts: 960
Re:Spam posts on the forum 13 Years, 4 Months ago

I sort of miss the laser pointer idiot....
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 784
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Re:Spam posts on the forum 13 Years, 4 Months ago
Site got blasted last night....
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Posts: 1312
mr. applehead
Re:Spam posts on the forum 13 Years, 3 Months ago
Amanita wrote:

I sort of miss the laser pointer idiot....

fully, its like he genuinely tried to advertise in an electronics forum but had no idea wtf elektron was about.

but this new hitsquad of rapists are taking the piss for sure

or.... could it be the same evil mind?
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Posts: 4
Re:Spam posts on the forum 12 Years ago
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Posts: 174
Re:Spam posts on the forum 12 Years ago
^ yea serious spam bot problem, which is a different beast then real person spammers, a la laser pointer guy (I missed that whole thing).

This may already be on but have one of you admins done the following:

Go to Components > Fireboard Forum > Fireboard Configuration > Security and set 'Spam protect system' to 'Yes'.

Otherwise there might be a joomla / fireboard plugin that would add some functionality to the registration process that keeps the bots at bay, like a captcha or such.

I'd be happy to help as well.

Damn robots. I mean most of them are cool and all but some are such assholes.
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Posts: 2950
Re:Spam posts on the forum 12 Years ago
Thanks for the input Wolfgang. I'll pass it on to Elektron, who is now in charge of maintaining the site.

I'll reiterate for the ones that are unaware:

A new Elektron-owned forum is on its way ( It's been expected for quite some time, but for various reasons it's been delayed (The A4 is one of those reasons). It's currently expected to be launched closer to the summer, I think.

Elektron-users will soon be history, hence the lack of sorely needed maintenance, updates and improvements. Our admin (RIP) was the only one who knew the code well, and Elektron's reasoning is that they find it more worthwhile finalizing elektronauts rather than spending dozens of hours improving elektron-users.

FYI: I'm fucking tired of deleting spam, so I won't be at your service today
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 352
Re:Spam posts on the forum 12 Years ago
BTW, anyone need some LV bags or some shit?

Thanks for your efforts Nils.
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Posts: 175
foul language
Canon Starwriter 25
Re:Spam posts on the forum 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Hi Nils,

I notice the 'kitchen' spam is rife at the moment.

If you want some PHP filtering code written then I'm your man.

let me know.


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