Bath House wrote:fakeafaik wrote:
i would love for polyphony to be recorded in midi mode, when using the OT chromatic input to sequence hardware.
i know the OT sequencer can record more than 1 note when a midi keyboard is plugged in, but sadly i have to use the midi in for clock purposes.
Buy any MIDI merge box. still love this feature to be implemented.
also, would it be possible to have each of the 16 buttons represent a different tuning mode? it's a really useful feature on DSI Tempest. Basically, you load a sound, go into 16 tunings mode, then select your scale. major/minor/minor pentatonic/blues etc. then each of the pads is the next note in the scale. would be super useful for OT triggering synths over midi... ideally i could do it with Tempest, but it doesn't look like midi out will be happening for a while...