Hi guys,
My name is Diane and I use the Monomachine and Machinedrum a lot in my music. I also work for Keith McMillen Instruments designing software for midi controllers. We have a keyboard controller called QuNexus which has pressure and tilt sensitive keys which works very nicely for me with the Monomachine.
I made a group of QuNexus presets which allows you to use polyphonic pressure and tilt to modulate Monomachine parameters normally controlled by the joystick on the discontinued SFX-6.
QuNexus will let you control these joystick parameters without taking your fingers off the keys and it is very portable and customizable. These joystick parameters can be assigned to control virtually any element in your own instruments, but there is also a Kit file included as an example, as well as a quickstart guide explaining how to set everything up.
Hope you like it and I'd love to hear any feedback/suggestions you have.
Here is a link to the project page where you can download it (the file was too big to be uploaded here.)
http://www.keithmcmillen.com/project-detail/1833820-qunexus-monomachine-controlHere's a video of me playing it:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=XkXIbqLzg_wAnd here is a link with more info about the controller: