Re:DeEncoding (or why you don't want to take the knobs off) 13 Years, 12 Months ago
^apparently not, there is a thread on this regarding the SFX 6, and the guys at elektron getting these things made up. This seems to be a bit of a stretch in my mind, However, the encoders inside are unmarked and uncoded, which is unusual in my experience and suggest that the above is true, otherwise i would be finding replacements in mouser or farnell or digikey. I don't know if the MK2's have plastic spindles or not. Then of course theres the matter of the pin layout for the pcb.....
Re:DeEncoding (or why you don't want to take the knobs off) 13 Years, 12 Months ago
Nils wrote: Afaik the Elektron encoders are custom built for Elektron. At least they were when the MD was introduced.
Well, that's unfortunate.. I mean if they're custom built why not have them built a bit more rugged? Or at least buy the cheap version of something that can be replaced with something more solid.
I've had my MnM for a year and the knobs've always been wiggly, I would preemptively replace them with something more solid if it were possible.
Re:DeEncoding (or why you don't want to take the knobs off) 13 Years, 12 Months ago
this thread gets even more creepy to me. i have a broken encoder on my MD - i just don't dare opening it, circuit bending a toy keyboard for 30 € is one thing, but that...
@daren, hertzian kudos guys, now i know whom to ask for that indepth knowledge about the HARDware.