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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Gear Re:Bank numbers for prog change - OT and A4 (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Re:Bank numbers for prog change - OT and A4
Posts: 17
Bank numbers for prog change - OT and A4 11 Years, 1 Month ago
I want to call up a pattern in the A4 (with all the kit and FX settings etc) using programme change from the OT. But I don't understand...

* Bank numbers in the OT MIDI screens are 0-127.
* Banks in the A4 are A to H.

What's that all about?

Nothing I've tried in the way of programme change has any effect anyway, even though the MIDI settings in both machines are all correct for note, prog change, transport, clock, CC send and receive etc etc. Transport and clock work fine.

Both manuals are silent on the subject of programme change. Can anyone shed any light? Thanks People.
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Posts: 859
Re:Bank numbers for prog change - OT and A4 11 Years, 1 Month ago
I got the OT sending bank & pattern changes to the A4 using the following steps,

1) On the OT under Project -> Midi Sync, Set Prog CH Send to Yes and assign a Midi Channel (1 for example)
2) On the A4 under Global -> Midi Config -> Midi Sync, Set Prog CH Receive to Yes and under Global -> Midi Config -> Midi Channels -> Prog Ch in Ch (set to 1)

Not sure about the details of the actual messages that gets sends out, but it works.
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Posts: 859
Re:Bank numbers for prog change - OT and A4 11 Years, 1 Month ago
*double post*
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Posts: 17
Re:Bank numbers for prog change - OT and A4 11 Years, 1 Month ago
Thanks djd_oz. I've done all of that.

But if I want a project in the OT to call pattern A01 in the A4 when I load the project, what bank do I set in the OT track MIDI page? Does OT bank 0 call A4 bank A, bank 1 call bank B or what? Or has this nothing to do with it?
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