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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Sandbox Re:[MDUW] RAM "abstract pattern" for human beat box (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Re:[MDUW] RAM "abstract pattern" for human beat box
[MDUW] RAM "abstract pattern" for human beat box 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Hey guys.

I've just read an something interesting in the Tarekith"s UW tips and tricks. The author had not tried it by the time he was suggesting, but I've tried it yet and was surpised to read that then. It features some Elektron's UW guide tricks and some e-u members' tricks, but maybe having it here in a topic will help.

Set a RAM REC machine and a RAM PLAY machine.
Set the RAMR machine to record from inputs.
First, trig each of them on the first step.

With a preamp and a mic, human-beat-box a simple mouth beat while recording. when satisfied, mute the RAMR machine. Progam a simple click if needed.

Now, edit the RAMP pattern to obtain -for example- a more complex rythm, with cuts or whatever: paramlocks on start-stop-hold, etc.

Once you get something that makes you smile and that makes your head shake, go back to recording and sing another beat.

Aaah damn: you've messed up and erased your excellent former pattern...
Hmm... The UW magic haha !

(Or you can use another RAMR-RAMP couple...)

What have you done?

The pattern you've edited on the RAMP track is kind of abstract since it does not sound by itself. It depends on what you give to the RAMR machine. So the basic rythmic pattern will not change, but the way it sounds will.

What else can you try?

Of course, you can feed the RAMR with whatever from internal just composed beat to anyting coming from inputs: radio stuffs, others instruments output, conversation crumbs, your mic at the window of your flat... (feed it with Swiss music and you get the Allerian's trick)

What you can also try is keep on beat boxing rythm variations while recording: the resulting pattern shall change too.

For more randomness, you can set LFOs on the start-end parameters of your RAMP machine. To prevent the LFOs to mess up the way it globally souds, just paramlock the LFO Depth to 0 on the steps you don't want to hear change (typically: 1,5,9,13 etc)

Finally, you can do all of this while having a RAMR pattern as well. This way you can get really unexpected results.

And as always with UW, try mixing this technique with others to get something even more exciting...
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Re:[MDUW] RAM "abstract pattern" for human beat box 14 Years, 6 Months ago
my beatbox is inhumane apparently...

Nice tip, always thought about using the UW as a stupidly expensive (and highly tweakable) loopstation.
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