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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Sandbox Re:a4 - sharing my kick , snare and clap (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Re:a4 - sharing my kick , snare and clap
Posts: 82
a4 - sharing my kick , snare and clap 11 Years, 6 Months ago
I hope you enjoy so much with these little 3 sounds i have created in the a4 , a kick , an snare and a clap . Here you have the video showing how they sounds :

ANd here you can download the kit , and the sounds :

Of course, could be improved , surely, but doesnt sounds bad !

improve then and share !
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 416
Re:a4 - sharing my kick , snare and clap 11 Years, 6 Months ago
i like the snare! cheers

(btw you can mute/unmute tracks if you go to performance page and disable grid record mode, then use trigs 1-6 to mute... single-handed )
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Posts: 82
Re:a4 - sharing my kick , snare and clap 11 Years, 6 Months ago
heheh yes yes , i forgot the performance mode hehe . Thanks . The clap is really hard to do it , if you see i only use the noise . I will find more information about how do a good clap , of course that clap is a shit but will try to improve clap 2.0 Snare not bad , i was looking in sylenth vst for a snare and i saw that the waveform is a sinewave , but a4 has not a sine wave so i use the triangle and add a low pass filter but its very hard for me design a sound , im a noob.
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 416
Re:a4 - sharing my kick , snare and clap 11 Years, 6 Months ago
my A4 is away for repairs, so I can't play with your sounds, only watch the video...
but as a clap, I've made one which works quite okay I think.. check it out if you like:
(this is pulled from a backup.. there are 2 versions, they are pretty similar probably... try playing with the filter frequencies, the envelopes and LFO speed!)
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Posts: 9
Re:a4 - sharing my kick , snare and clap 11 Years, 5 Months ago
good work...
Many thanks
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Posts: 9
Re:a4 - sharing my kick , snare and clap 11 Years, 5 Months ago
good work...
Many thanks
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