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TOPIC: Re:ipad for sale, maybe...
Chain Chomp
Posts: 466
sold 11 Years, 2 Months ago
Hey guys. So I’m thinking about selling my ipad to fund an op-1. A couple of questions first. Does anyone know what has to be done to transfer the ipad to a new owner? Is it just a matter of calling Apple and changing the Apple ID for the ipad? What about the apps that I’ve purchased? They won’t be “deleted” if I transfer the Apple ID right?

My model is the black, 16gb, wifi only. Bought it new. Still mint condition.

Included paid apps:

Auria- $49.99
Sunvox- $5.99
Synergy Studio- $19.99
Sequence- $0.99
StepPolyArp- $11.99
PixiTracker- $1.99
Yellofier- $2.99
iMPC- $6.99

Soundprism Pro- $4.99
Musyc- free, but I did an in-app purchase to unlock all the features and soundsets…. I think that was $6.99
Thumbjam- $8.99
Gestrument- $9.99
Addictive Synth- $9.99
Bassline- $3.99
Impaktor- $4.99

Samplr- $9.99
Borderlands- $3.99
iPulsaret- $8.99

Drum Machines:
DM1- $4.99
Glitchbreaks- $2.99

Moog Filtatron- $7.99
Amplitube Fender- $14.99

Traktor DJ- $19.99

Audiobus- $4.99
AudioShare- $3.99

So that’s a total of $233.75 in music apps. I bought the ipad new for $499. Considering its in like-new condition I’d like to get around $400 for the ipad. As far as the value for the apps, I realize this is subjective as far as what they might be worth to you. But at the end of the day I’m sort of on the fence about selling it in the first place. So if I can’t get close to what I paid for everything, I’ll probably hang on to it. I do realize that I’ll probably have to take a hit on the app costs though.

Sooo, how about $530 shipped?

And I’ll throw in the camera connection kit and case that I bought for it.

Thanks guys!
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 466
Re:ipad for sale, maybe... 11 Years, 2 Months ago
so i've been notified that the apps aren't transferable. nevermind. fucking apple.
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Hero of Winds
Posts: 1597
OP-1 and Ableton Live (everything else is waiting for studio renovations...which are slow since I'm doing it)
Re:ipad for sale, maybe... 11 Years, 2 Months ago
wtf? are you serious? fucking apple I'm not selling mine, but I may want to one day
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 466
Re:ipad for sale, maybe... 11 Years, 2 Months ago
yeh it's a bummer. i should have looked into it a bit more before i went crazy with the app purchases...
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Hero of Winds
Posts: 1597
OP-1 and Ableton Live (everything else is waiting for studio renovations...which are slow since I'm doing it)
Re:ipad for sale, maybe... 11 Years, 2 Months ago
op-1 is to iPad what Elektron gear is to Ableton Live w/vst's (or somehting like that), so yeah immediate versus lots of flexibility but you're looking at a screen and dealing with weird issues half the time
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 466
Re:ipad for sale, maybe... 11 Years, 2 Months ago
ok guys. it's back up. $420 shipped. pictures to follow.

@poonti, yeh i honestly can't put my finger on (pun intended) what doesn't click (another one!) with me and the ipad. there are some really wicked and useful apps that sound really's especially useful as a MIDI controller. but now i'm just sounding like an apple rep, so i'll stop now....
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Hero of Winds
Posts: 1597
OP-1 and Ableton Live (everything else is waiting for studio renovations...which are slow since I'm doing it)
Re:ipad for sale, maybe... 11 Years, 2 Months ago
I hear you, samplr, the moog apps, impaktor, the ppg wave apps, the list goes on; such cool, innovative, and great sounding stuff on the iPad, but somehow twiddling on real hardware just beats the crap out of the iPad experience IMO. Still, the possibilities are endless with the iPad; I'm sure you'll be able to sell it.
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 614
Re:ipad for sale, maybe... 11 Years, 2 Months ago
I have an OP-1 that I might be interested in trading, since I've just moved to reason and having the thor app etc would be a huge benefit for me. what kind of trade would you propose?

i forgot to mention that the OP-1 is practically brand new bought from B&H Photo Video about three months ago. Have used it minimally since. Still have the box, rubber bands, the plastic sheet lays over

Basically everthing that comes with it as if it were just bought. I am located in Chesapeake, VA
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