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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Buy - Sell - Trade Re:For sale/trade Roland MV8800 UK (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Re:For sale/trade Roland MV8800 UK
Game & Watch
Posts: 2845
For sale/trade Roland MV8800 UK 11 Years, 5 Months ago
Killer machine, literally like new with full 512mb ram, VGA/Mouse card, and a much quieter fan has been fitted, has tons of COSM fx which are very good and based on old Roland classic fx units, including a fairly decent virtual analog synth. MPC, drum grid, piano roll and Cubase style sequencing, hard disk recording from internal or external sources, full cut and paste editing like a DAW, basically it is one of the few viable alternatives to using a computer if you make songs on a DAW - I looked into this before buying it. It is also one of the few machines able to sync to midi clock whilst recording audio. The sequencer is pretty tight, and it does sound very good. You can use it with screen and mouse or by itself.

However I am relocating my gear to a much smaller room, and focussing almost exclusively on my modular and Elektrons, so it is up for grabs.

I paid £700 plus delivery last year before the upgraded ram and fan, they seem to be around £500 for a scruffy one to £1250(!) for a boxed one on ebay at the moment, I'd accept £650 plus post, it comes with manual, box, mouse etc. It is a big beast so post will probably be £20-25 for insured, so UK only due to this.

Open to trade offers, interested in fx, synths, etc of similar value/quality can do cash adjustment either way, try me.
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King Koopa
Posts: 237
Re:For sale/trade Roland MV8800 UK 11 Years, 5 Months ago
Whereabouts in the UK are you?
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