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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Gear Midi Step Sequencing Machine (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Midi Step Sequencing Machine
Game & Watch
Posts: 2350
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD Feature Requests 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Toni wrote:
neonleg wrote:
i would like to chain patterns while editing and have the optionto toggle between current selected pattern edit page sticky but still cylcling through selected patterns and how it is now, (cycles through patterns, edit page changes with pattern)

it would just make it easier to edit step locks that were closer to the end of the bar without the pattern flicking over and changing pages on you, which leaves you with some random parameter value or no lock edit.

this function would be better than 64 step patterns imo because you can have as many step patterns as you can hold down and you dont have to rush to edit one step before the seq reaches end of the bar (very hard at higher tempo)

its my gripe on the sequencer


I asked Elektron about this quite some time ago but they said it wasn't possible due to the way it is programmed and would require a severe overhaul to implement.. pretty much said no way no how.

Shame though... would make the midi programming of other synths from the md much more attractive to me.
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Posts: 87
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD Feature Requests 15 Years, 1 Month ago
In the monomachine I usually create a pattern and then save the kit. For example A1 with kit techno1. Once I get it pretty good I copy A1 to A2 and resave the kit as techno2. I do this because otherwise I end up screwing up A1. I'll start on A3 then with kit techno3 and make a few edits. By the time I'm done I'll have A1,A2,A3,A4 and corresponding kits techno1, techno2, techno3, techno4. Now if I set up the patterns in song mode for example or just as A1-->A4 I usually wind up with 2 issues. One is that I will sometimes adjust the volume of the individual tracks to get more of a fluid overall sound between all the different tracks, which the monomachine is so ridiculously good at, but by the time I change patterns some tracks are louder than others and it makes it almost impossible to edit a fluid song in postediting on multitrack software in the computer. Secondly any changes or tweaks that I do to a kit are lost once the pattern changes. I'm still trying to be more disciplined about the whole thing, but I keep running into this.

I'm wondering if a multikit edit function might do the trick. Maybe a screen would pop up where you can select multiple kits to edit and once multikit is activated the parameters across these kits would all change simultaneously and could be saved. I think it could be very powerful from a creative end as well? Maybe I just need to get my act together more? What do you all think?
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Posts: 888
really should upload some more recent tunes but there you go
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD Feature Requests 15 Years, 1 Month ago
weird indescribable noises not possible on any other machine outside of a modular.

an er1?

er no. not imo it has very limited synth functions

if your trying to make drums sounds then why do you want outofthisworld sounds?

get a synth

a Md is not a synth, its a drum synth

the er1's great and the way to getting
the best sounds out of it is to use 2 voices for kick and same for snare
leaving the pcms for hats/clap/cmbs.

attack is a better drum synth than the er1
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Posts: 7925
tIB was here
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD Feature Requests 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Despite love or lack thereof of the er1's sound design I can see the point in a gnd square, saw and tri... would add a bit to sound design IMO.

If you have a UW dont forget you can load a baisc wave in one of your UW slots to do just this, I had loads of single cycle stuff in mine at one point...
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Posts: 10
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD Feature Requests 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Got my MD in today. Seems like with the LFO, the ER-1 synth functions can be emulated to an extent, so all they'd really need to do to get it all the way there is give us a faster LFO and more waveforms.

zoot wrote:
if your trying to make drums sounds then why do you want outofthisworld sounds?

Because I refuse to be limited to traditional drum sounds. Yes, the ER-1 sucks for raw sound, but the concept is still unmatched.
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King Koopa
Posts: 311
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD Feature Requests 15 Years, 1 Month ago
i would love to see some kind of "lfo behavior" in the global menu.

Where you can choose between "normal behavior" and "extended behavior" to use another track's LFO but still trigs at the track you route it too.

because now if you want to have multiple LFO's trigged on 1 track u lose a lot of tracks. and i dont like that.
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King Koopa
Posts: 317
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD Feature Requests 15 Years, 1 Month ago
For Machinedrum:

The ability to copy a pattern to another pattern location when in play mode, without the need to switch to that pattern.


A Level Mixer menu giving you the ability to see all volume and pan levels of each track and the ability to adjust them.

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King Koopa
Posts: 273

Vermona MonoLancet
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uWave XT
Strymon El Capistan
NI Maschine
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD Feature Requests 15 Years, 1 Month ago
you can already do sidechain compression with the LFO.

just assign the lfo of the input track to the VOL of the target track. Then select the rising wave and adjust the LFO SPEED to control the release of the sidechain compression and the DEPTH to control how much it'll affect your target source volume.

Doing it with really analyzing the Audio would put quite a load on the MD CPU i'm afraid, and induce some latency i suppose
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 725
MnM mkII // MD mkII // Tb-303
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD Feature Requests 15 Years, 1 Month ago
Said before but I want all of the simple sine waves on the MD and the Mono.
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Posts: 112
Re:Official Elektron MM & MD Feature Requests 15 Years, 1 Month ago
for the MDs LFOs: would be nice if you had an LFO Trig-track like on the mono, for example when you enter the LFOs edit page...
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