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TOPIC: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII !
Chain Chomp
Posts: 352
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 7 Months ago
My guess on the new products is cost. They can get better memory for the same price. Probably an newer DSP for the same price. Smaller cases to save on shipping. They probably made changes which made business sense.

It's too bad I haven't been able to see the website since the news. They must be updating...

I wonder how the user waves of the MnM are implemented? If it's 1024 then they must be waveforms you load. But what parameters? It'd be awesome if you could change the waves in the MnM with the UI.

Also these products are obviously not for the current users but to gain new users, for christmas.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: machinedrum & monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 7 Months ago

nkirchner wrote:

Oh I don't know? Maybe because they have been teasing us with shit for years and then they come out with a slimmer box, seriously, wtf?

Business 101 - play to you existing market. A new product would have a huge existing market egar to buy. A shitty upgrade does nothing - you really think people were thinking of getting a MD or MnM but stopped and said... "if only the case were 1/4' slimmer"??? I doubt it, I'm not going to sell my MD or MnM to upgrade.

On the flip side though, A lot of engineering work goes into even minor changes like this. Elektron is a small company, so if they have been working on this than chances are they haven't been working on anything else.

Do you think they were really teasing you or that too many people read into every little thing they do?

Your business 101 comment seems to work for hot dogs and pizza... maybe clothes etc...but for $1000+ machines... I'm not sure Elektron can count on existing customers to buy everything they make. I'm actually one person that loves minaturization, so yes...if you can make it smaller...I like that. I'm still waiting for the Teenage Audio device thingy from Elektron.

I really don't see how you could say they are working on anything else...especially if this update was done out of necessity.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 7 Months ago

Allerian wrote:
Go for it Ingrid! Then you'll be in the market for my new MD/MnM MKII 340x176x12mm Spacer Pad, which allows you to use the MKII machines together with the Classic models. No more dealing with the hassle of having thier operating surfaces at different heights.


I don't understand why people are thinking that it'll be a pain to use a MKI with a MKII due to 12mm in height... people use different size boxes from other brands all the time. Don't get me wrong, I like that my two boxes look slick together, but it is not that big of a deal.
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Posts: 195
Re: machinedrum & monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 7 Months ago

jsrockit wrote:

Do you think they were really teasing you or that too many people read into every little thing they do?

"We are working on something new" - "we will not be making updated versions of our existing product" - both things were said on their front page... These things seem to imply to me that 1) they will be making something NEW and 2) it won't be an update to an existing product.

So that, to me (and you might not of taken it this way) seems to be suggestive, a tease if you will, that a new product is on the way

jsrockit wrote:

Your business 101 comment seems to work for hot dogs and pizza... maybe clothes etc...but for $1000+ machines... I'm not sure Elektron can count on existing customers to buy everything they make.

Your just wrong here. How many people in here have both a MD and a MnM... maybe even a Sid as well? How many have one and desperately want another? We are there prime market, we are the ones that are already 'hooked' and will be desperate to buy any thing new.

and don't give me that $1000+ sob story... how much was your Voyager? still got it? your little phatty? your bug brand noise makers? still got them? We all complain about being poor muso's and the high cost... but we all fork over what ever it takes to get what we WANT.

jsrockit wrote:

I really don't see how you could say they are working on anything else...especially if this update was done out of necessity.

A matter of resource.. They probably are planning to do something else (I hope) but the fact is it takes a lot of engineering effort to make even what appears to be minor changes. It seems to me they just don't have the resources to be developing something major in parallel.
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Game & Watch
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Re: machinedrum & monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 7 Months ago

jsrockit wrote:
Teenage Audio device thingy from Elektron.

it was a mock-up joke.. still, it would be pretty cool

jsrockit wrote:
I don't understand why people are thinking that it'll be a pain to use a MKI with a MKII due to 12mm in height... people use different size boxes from other brands all the time. Don't get me wrong, I like that my two boxes look slick together, but it is not that big of a deal.

It's a big deal for some of us, maybe not you..
Like the 64 steps, it's a big deal to some, but not to me (I just link 2 patterns together if I need them)

I think the size scheme is little too much, now people have to buy both the machines in order to have them "perfect"
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Re: machinedrum & monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 7 Months ago

jsrockit wrote:

niall wrote:

jsrockit wrote:
The SP-303 is not better than the SP-404...that is a load of crap.

That wasn't his assertion, either.

Really, what did I miss then?

That support for the unfinished 303 was dropped when they announced the new board. That's what happened with the 908 -> 808.

Quoted emails from Elektron indicate that they won't do the same. Let's hope.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: machinedrum & monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 7 Months ago

niall wrote:

That support for the unfinished 303 was dropped when they announced the new board. That's what happened with the 908 -> 808.

Quoted emails from Elektron indicate that they won't do the same. Let's hope.

Got ya...but what was needed for the 303? I mean... nothing is ever perfect when it comes to these machines unfortuantely.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: machinedrum & monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 7 Months ago
nkirchner... first of all I did not complain about the price... I have a good job...but some do not. Just because a handful of us can afford multiple elektron machines doesn't mean that every one who has bought one can. For some, just getting $1200 together is hard. People's situations are all different. Some may have families, homes, cars, etc that come before buying another machine they may not need. Some may be in school. Some may not be able to get a good job because the unemployment rate in their area is higher than anywhere else.

Also, the number people on this site, generally speaking, is a very minute number. I'm not saying that we are not important to Elektron...but many people who buy their products do not visit this site. Also, just because someone likes the Machinedrum, doesn't mean they will like anything else Elektron makes. People who love everything from Elektron are a small group ...since the number of machines Elektron sells, I would imagine, is small anyway. MKII products are generally made with new customers in mind.

Yes, I still do have my Little Phatty (I don't list my whole gear list since this is an elektron specific site)... I sold the Voyager to buy it and a UW. Bugbrand...who gives a fuck about those lame things. I've owned and sold alot... what does that have to do with anyone else and their financial situation?

If Elektron says they are working on something new...they are working on something new. It may take years. Do you really think they are not going to do anything else after these MKII updates? An updated machine is not something new. Stop reading into everything the company does or says and you'll be better off. MKII versions of machines are not as hard to accomplish as a full new machine. I'm sure the company knows how, even with limited resources, to do more than one thing at a time.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: machinedrum & monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 7 Months ago

hageir wrote:

jsrockit wrote:
Teenage Audio device thingy from Elektron.

it was a mock-up joke.. still, it would be pretty cool

I think the size scheme is little too much, now people have to buy both the machines in order to have them "perfect"

Really, that was a joke... darn. Come on, I'm aware of that... I was joking, imagine that. :-D

Hagier...does all of your other equipment match the size of your UW? I don't get seems a bit anal to me. However, like I said...I do like how mine match...but if they didn''s no big deal.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 2163
Once you go Elektron...
Theres no going backetron!

Re: machinedrum & monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 7 Months ago

jsrockit wrote:

hageir wrote:

jsrockit wrote:
Teenage Audio device thingy from Elektron.

it was a mock-up joke.. still, it would be pretty cool

I think the size scheme is little too much, now people have to buy both the machines in order to have them "perfect"

Really, that was a joke... darn. Come on, I'm aware of that... I was joking, imagine that. :-D

Hagier...does all of your other equipment match the size of your UW? I don't get seems a bit anal to me. However, like I said...I do like how mine match...but if they didn''s no big deal.

haha I know it's a joke you silly guy.

nope, but my elektron gear should, match-made in heaven?
I get your point but it's nicer if it's similar.

so, any more updates/info yet?
when are the new os's coming out?
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