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TOPIC: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII !
Killer Beez
Posts: 1128
The home of Future BASF
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 7 Months ago

Kero wrote:
haha i am sure you can still use them, but bieng the elektronic music freak i am always trying to stay ahead by getting the newest software for making the newest sounds i would have to get the newest elektron gear . my MM without sampling is pointless compared to the new version. its like running reaktor 3 when u can run 5 with kore.

Isn't it a bad sign that you need the newest gear to stay ahead?
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Game & Watch
Posts: 1866
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 7 Months ago

jsrockit wrote:

I use outdated versions of Live and Logic and to me its no big deal. I'm not one to use every feature on every machine...I just make music and learn features as I need them.

Yeah. I actually just updated everything in my studio (which the UW upgrade was also part of), sold off some stuff that wasn't getting used as much, etc. Although, I am like you in that I certainly don't use every feature of every machine... the music comes first, getting all tweaky on the machines comes second. But that's also why I wanted to slim down... using a couple of things more and getting deeper into them, while still putting the music first.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 1866
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 7 Months ago

Ookpikk wrote:

Kero wrote:
haha i am sure you can still use them, but bieng the elektronic music freak i am always trying to stay ahead by getting the newest software for making the newest sounds i would have to get the newest elektron gear . my MM without sampling is pointless compared to the new version. its like running reaktor 3 when u can run 5 with kore.

Isn't it a bad sign that you need the newest gear to stay ahead?

I will say, in Kero's defense, that he has released music on three of my favorite labels: Shitkatapult, Bpitch Control, and Detroit Underground. He does some cool stuff.
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Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 7 Months ago

Ookpikk wrote:

Kero wrote:
haha i am sure you can still use them, but bieng the elektronic music freak i am always trying to stay ahead by getting the newest software for making the newest sounds i would have to get the newest elektron gear . my MM without sampling is pointless compared to the new version. its like running reaktor 3 when u can run 5 with kore.

Isn't it a bad sign that you need the newest gear to stay ahead?

ya it is,I think i have some kind of syndrome. haha. but seriously you cant do certain things with old software / gear that you can do with new stuff . More options available = more possibilities in sound design.
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 678
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 7 Months ago
you are sure for the fx track controller ?
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1128
The home of Future BASF
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 7 Months ago
Well, fair enough, I get the 'new and cool' thing, but of late I've been finding that by going back to gear like my XT or G1, there's so much territory I've yet to plot...


How do you think the MnM is going to deal with the user waves? Will they have to be completely ready to go when you load them up, or do you think you could, say put something that was 2000 samples in, and the MnM (or C6) will crunch it to the appropriate size?
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 570
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 7 Months ago
So what is the new going rate in sterling/dollars for a Classic in any three flavours. It stands to reason that market forces i.e. buyers for the MD and MnM outside of this group have been trying to get their hands on these machines for a few hundred less for years, but there is no way they are going to shell out for a new one regardless of features, so the demand remains the same.

Supply only increases if people owning the original feel they can afford a newer model, and the price of sale of the Classic may be important, but if classic prices fall too low people can't afford to make that decision and supply tightens again.

Unless people looking to buy support people looking to make further investment supply is short and prices remain high. The price is still underpinned by the qualities the older model has, new features do not erode those qualities. So why will the price drop heavily.

I was hoping for OS updates.....
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 7 Months ago

ThinkTanx wrote:
But that's also why I wanted to slim down... using a couple of things more and getting deeper into them, while still putting the music first.

I just did the same... and it has been liberating.
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King Koopa
Posts: 242
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 7 Months ago
Anyone care to ask/mention did they 'sharpen' the timing?

I'll buy one now if someone can post the numbers for me - I miss my MD!

regards - David
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Posts: 60
me me ma mo
mo mo ma me
Re: Machinedrum & Monomachine mkII ! 16 Years, 7 Months ago

innerclock wrote:
Anyone care to ask/mention did they 'sharpen' the timing?

I'll buy one now if someone can post the numbers for me - I miss my MD!

regards - David

heh, my MD now... and still enjoying it very much! actually it's in for a UW upgrade at the moment...

but yeah can't say i'm not curious about the timing of the newer ones.

... don't think i can resist the temptation of the monomachine now.
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