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TOPIC: Re:Ergonomic Interface Truss EIT-1 prototype - custom frame
Posts: 10
Re:Ergonomic Interface Truss EIT-1 custom frame AVAILABLE NOW 11 Years, 5 Months ago
I got an email from him over a week ago, where he stated that he would ship this past monday and i should receive a tracking nr, but i did not. I have since tried to contact him via mail, but have not heard anything - since I live in Norway it is pretty expensive to call and I understand he prefers to hear from customers on the phone?

Watson - if you read this; pleas check your mail
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 373
Re:Ergonomic Interface Truss EIT-1 custom frame AVAILABLE NOW 11 Years, 5 Months ago
sorry for the delays. all the units that can be shipped have been. i have had some problems with a few parts and had to get them re-milled. the next run(including the limited black anodized version) will be shipping in mid feb-early march depending when you order and what version you get.
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King Koopa
Posts: 316
Re:Ergonomic Interface Truss EIT-1 custom frame AVAILABLE NOW 11 Years, 3 Months ago
As I await my eit1 I've become curious: is there enough clearance in the eit1 truss for pl1 plastic covers to be used? While it doesn't seem like the height would be an issue, I'm curious if the units being butted up to the truss sides, prevents the pl1s from locking into place around the edges.

Anybody else tried this?

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Posts: 3802 - Specializing in mastering and mixdowns of electronic music.
Re:Ergonomic Interface Truss EIT-1 custom frame AVAILABLE NOW 11 Years, 3 Months ago
If they ar emounted butted up on the ends, then the covers will not fit is my guess.
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Re:Ergonomic Interface Truss EIT-1 custom frame AVAILABLE NOW 11 Years, 3 Months ago
Any word on when the latest run will ship? Any pics of the black one yet?
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 342
Re:Ergonomic Interface Truss EIT-1 custom frame AVAILABLE NOW 11 Years, 3 Months ago
Ihatederekreed wrote:
As I await my eit1 I've become curious: is there enough clearance in the eit1 truss for pl1 plastic covers to be used? While it doesn't seem like the height would be an issue, I'm curious if the units being butted up to the truss sides, prevents the pl1s from locking into place around the edges.

Anybody else tried this?


I have the plastic cover and sadly it will not fit with the EIT-1.
That being said, I had a dust cover made and am perfectly happy
I'd take the EIT-1 over the plastic cover any day!
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 438
Re:Ergonomic Interface Truss EIT-1 prototype - custom frame 11 Years, 3 Months ago
Hey, so how do you think the A4 will do in one of these seeing as they have to have their venting kept open?
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 695
Re:Ergonomic Interface Truss EIT-1 prototype - custom frame 11 Years, 3 Months ago
r05c03 wrote:
Hey, so how do you think the A4 will do in one of these seeing as they have to have their venting kept open?

There are no issues with ventilation or heat... This came from elektrons mouth as well.
I have mine in a truss and left in on for days as a test...all good
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King Koopa
Posts: 316
Re:Ergonomic Interface Truss EIT-1 prototype - custom frame 11 Years, 3 Months ago
Anybody seen the black eit1 yet? The anticipation is killing me!
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Posts: 126
Re:Ergonomic Interface Truss EIT-1 prototype - custom frame 11 Years, 3 Months ago
Ihatederekreed wrote:
Anybody seen the black eit1 yet? The anticipation is killing me!

ordered one of those, can't wait to check it out! sexy with an octratrack and analog 4, black on black on black paint it black indeed
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