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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Gear Re:OT feature requests (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Re:OT feature requests
Posts: 67
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 2 Months ago
don't know if it's already asked:

When in file manager some way to paste a file at the end of another one or "group" files together.

The idea'd be to bypass computer when using sample chains. Sample chains enhancing has to be a priority because it's an octatrack.

Thank you
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 443
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 2 Months ago
rozzpourpre wrote:
don't know if it's already asked:

When in file manager some way to paste a file at the end of another one or "group" files together.

The idea'd be to bypass computer when using sample chains. Sample chains enhancing has to be a priority because it's an octatrack.

Thank you

For me this is the key for better sampling and at the same time organising your samples.I have already asked and they replied that they added this request to their (huge) list. So ask for it to increase the possibility of its implementation.
Imagine your 8 buffers recording consequtively a sample and contatenating all 8 buffers into one file and automatically assigning to a slot. Would be just perfect.
File operations should have been there for joining audio files and after that, switch off your computer and never turn back on!
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Posts: 67
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 2 Months ago
File operations should have been there for joining audio files and after that, switch off your computer and never turn back on!

I really think upgrades should be oriented toward perfomance enhancing vs "poor" tracks count.
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 443
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 2 Months ago
rozzpourpre wrote:
File operations should have been there for joining audio files and after that, switch off your computer and never turn back on!

I really think upgrades should be oriented toward perfomance enhancing vs "poor" tracks count.

But I am not talking about 'poor' track count here. I am talking about efficinecy in sampling and how quick and self contained OT is. I am very happy with how many tracks OT offers. I am very unhappy with the way audio files are handled(recorded, assigned to slots, resampled, saved). I am talking about improvement of performance as well.
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 381
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 2 Months ago
rozzpourpre wrote:
File operations should have been there for joining audio files and after that, switch off your computer and never turn back on!

I really think upgrades should be oriented toward perfomance enhancing vs "poor" tracks count.

I agree, I'd like to see this concept more performance oriented. Hmmm. This gives me an idea.

What about a new machine type or expanding static machines so that they can playback any of the record tracks and can convert all of them to new static samples at once?

Your first 8 slots would be dedicated to any corresponding tracks that happen to have rec trigs. If there was a rec trig on them they would say "active" or something. If you converted these to static samples they would go in the first available slot ie 8-128 and you'd have the option of converting them to individual samples to go in different slots or one sample with slice markers delineating the tracks.

I think this would enhance the performance aspects the OT is so good at. There is too much stop and start to use and convert static samples now, it's slow to fill up 128 slots and it's not something you really want to do on the fly.

I this was implemented expanding it later with with an utility to convert multiple slots to one would really allow you to never stop.

Gonna send to Elektron.
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Posts: 67
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 2 Months ago
I'm not sure if i follow both of you: so you basically want a work around to sampling time limit, am i right.

My request was more a work around to the max sample slots limit. That sample p-locking thing doesn't do it for me, i'd rather use sample chains/slices.
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 443
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 2 Months ago
rozzpourpre wrote:
I'm not sure if i follow both of you: so you basically want a work around to sampling time limit, am i right.

My request was more a work around to the max sample slots limit. That sample p-locking thing doesn't do it for me, i'd rather use sample chains/slices.

We are talking about the same thing with the difference that you are only interested in using sample chains.
1) Ttere should be an option of joining audio files not the in the file manager but inside the audio operations.The newly created file will be automatically sliced accoring to the number of audio that have been joined and thus be ready to give you the sample chains that you(and everyone else) wants.The new file could be automatically loaded in an empty static slot.
I would care too much for a file joiner that stops your audio flowing(file manager unloads your project). I have my computer for this operation which is much faster and efficient.
2) There should a join option of recording buffers to prolong your recordings and auto slice the 8 loops that you have captured using the method described above.
3) There should an option to bounce(maybe the right word would be record because bounce would require to calculate and maybe stop audio flow) tracks to a new sample and automatically assign ot to an empty static slot.Also the ability to slice it a selectable number of slices would be great. And automatically set the track to slice mode. By the way I hate when i change a machine from static to flex or the other way around and the machine deafults its setup. I would really like it to retain its status from the previous machine. Very annoying for me.

The above suggestiona are not only oriented towards the sampling limit but also towards performance and how samples are being assigned, arranged, resampled and recorded as I posted before. I hope I am clear.
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Posts: 22
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 2 Months ago
I already post a topic about this

Is there a chance we can see in the future a 1 or 2 dedicated tracks for midi drum sequencing
with 16 parts/triggers available , that can also mute each part.
Each part/trigger assignable to a different midi note.

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King Koopa
Posts: 309
Trinity SH101 Juno6 JX3P cs10 NM1 Z1 K5000s MB33II Ipad3 MicroQ TX81z DX200 WS/AD VZ8m XD5 DP4 Gtrz
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 2 Months ago
Two things that may already be requested...

1) Additional option in the scale section to adjust start point of pattern using triggers in same way as pattern length.

2) Option to 'save as' & 'delete' when saving sample settings in audio editor.
eg: I often have a sample loaded up a couple of times within a pattern & use different slice/length/trim options. Currently we can only have one version of settings saved.
EDIT: would also require a 'load' function here as well.
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Posts: 74
OT, A4, Blofeld
Re:OT feature requests 12 Years, 2 Months ago
well, defining the mastertrack free and not only on T8

sure, i can resample (i don´t like the process like resampling has to be done) all tracks to one

just think about heavy compressed drums for a good drive, and a pad as addition (Input AB/T7) with a lead (Input C/T6), ..... not every pad/lead-combi needs compression .....
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