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TOPIC: Monomachine DigiPro Manager Issues
Posts: 35
Monomachine DigiPro Manager Issues 12 Years, 10 Months ago
I have used the C6 program to convert waveforms I have downloaded from
to the DigiPro .syx filetype, but every time I try to send them to the Monomachine I get the "Error! Incorrect Length" message.

I've tried everything, even adjusting the Delay setting within C6 as suggested on another thread with this issue. I've checked all of the files, and they are well under the max sample size. What am I doing wrong? It's driving me crazy, and I would really like to use the Userwaveform function on my Monomachine.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 1910
Re:Monomachine DigiPro Manager Issues 12 Years, 10 Months ago
You might start by verifying that you can send a factory default waveform from the Mono to your computer. Then verify that you can send it back to another slot. If you can do this, you know it must be your waveform or something.

A few other ideas: make sure you are using the latest version of C6 (think it's 1.4), make sure you are selecting the wave+clicking the DigiPro function button to convert before sending. You probably did this but just some ideas. The Incorrect Length error makes me think they are not getting converted correctly or perhaps you forgot to press this button.
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Posts: 35
Re:Monomachine DigiPro Manager Issues 12 Years, 10 Months ago
I definitely converted them because they were 1kb .wavs and then I clicked the DigiPro button and they were transferred into 6kb .syx files.

I am using the latest C6 (1.4, I just checked) and I will definitely try with the factory waveforms for a test. I also e-mailed Elektron about it myself and they're asking for the .wav file which is a little over 550 samples which should be well underneath the 16384 sample length that I have read about on this board.

If you have prepared waveforms yourself, could you walk me through the process, so maybe I can convert these into a proper length just incase? Mine are definitely a single cycle, and as I mention 1kb .wav, maybe .aiff work better? Maybe I need to re-export them from a DAW? I don't know, it's pretty frustrating. Haha.
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Posts: 859
Re:Monomachine DigiPro Manager Issues 12 Years, 10 Months ago
I haven't tried the Adventure kid waveforms, but I loaded mine with these without any issues.

Load them into C6, convert to DigiPro.

On MnM, goto DigiPro Waveform Mgr, Receive and select Pos Name.

Go back to C6 and click Send.
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Posts: 35
Re:Monomachine DigiPro Manager Issues 12 Years, 10 Months ago
The link you provided says the web page is unavailable. I've attempted to upload waveforms in the Files section on this site as well without any success.

I was also unable to send the factory waveforms to my computer because it said "Non user waveform".
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Game & Watch
Posts: 1910
Re:Monomachine DigiPro Manager Issues 12 Years, 10 Months ago
There are some Monomachine waves in the Files section of Elektron-users such as these:

If you can send these, then we rule out bad input/output connection and it's down to the wave conversion.

The only other thing I can think of is that maybe check the bit rate. Perhaps they are 24-bit waves whereas the Mono expects 16-bit. Check sample rate as well: should be 44.1 khz.
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Posts: 7925
tIB was here
Re:Monomachine DigiPro Manager Issues 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Do you have any waveforms in it at all? Even the factory ones? Lamond had an issue where he could see the machines but the waveforms had not been correctly loaded. I went and gave him a hand, to cut a long story short it turned out elektron had the wrong file on their website- could it be that you are missing the right update for the dpro machines? If you suspect this to be the case contact elektron and mention this too them.
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Posts: 35
Re:Monomachine DigiPro Manager Issues 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Veets wrote:
There are some Monomachine waves in the Files section of Elektron-users such as these:

If you can send these, then we rule out bad input/output connection and it's down to the wave conversion.

The only other thing I can think of is that maybe check the bit rate. Perhaps they are 24-bit waves whereas the Mono expects 16-bit. Check sample rate as well: should be 44.1 khz.

I've attempted to send those, and I get the same error message. My MIDI is being run through a Saffire Pro 24 DSP. I've been able to send firmware updates through this interface.

I also have all the factory waveforms installed (I'm able to see their graphical representation in the black box to the right). I just bought my Monomachine new this June.
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Posts: 7925
tIB was here
Re:Monomachine DigiPro Manager Issues 12 Years, 10 Months ago
So they are installed and you can use them right?

HAve you tried these:

These work fine on mine, all I do is open them in C6, highlight them all and click on DPRO.

You dont need turbo on, if that doesnt work go into configure and change the delay time (try 10, 20, 30 and so on...)

Let us know how you go, if they dont work Im stumped.
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Posts: 35
Re:Monomachine DigiPro Manager Issues 12 Years, 10 Months ago
Yep, I can definitely use the factory installed waveforms, but I just tried some from the link you just posted, and it didn't work. I even tried it coming from my MOTU 828MKII and then even from my USB MIDI cable to no avail. So I am deducing that something is either wrong with all of my MIDI devices or my Monomachine is the culprit.

I even tried a Factory restart and then attempted to send, and same Error Incorrect Length popped up. Daniel from Elektron just replied that he was able to upload the same waveforms that I have been attempting.

So frustrating!

For reference, I am using a Monomachine MKII SFX-60+. So I even tried different bank snapshots!

EDIT: To test, I also just sent samples to the Machinedrum using C6 and the same MIDI interface with complete success!
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