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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Elektron Gear Sweet, new knobs for the MD and MnM! (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Sweet, new knobs for the MD and MnM!
Posts: 859
Re:Sweet, new knobs for the MD and MnM! 13 Years ago
It's always safer to have rubber around your knob
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Posts: 98
MD-UW, MnM, Rickenbacker bass, Hagström guitar, Minimoog Voyager, Moogerfoogers (a bunch)
Re:Sweet, new knobs for the MD and MnM! 13 Years ago
Yes, but does it improve your performance? I´d say no.
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Posts: 10
Re:Sweet, new knobs for the MD and MnM! 13 Years ago
I changed mine just this week and I love the feel of the new knobs. They are much easier to grip and tweak than the original knobs were in my hands.

As for changing them I found the easiest way get the old ones off is to use 2 spoons.

Gently press both spoons equally and it creates and even rocking that pushes the knobs straight up and off the pots without any problems. I also use this method for changing guitar knobs too. It provides a nice even leverage without bending (or breaking) the pot if care is taken.
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Re:Sweet, new knobs for the MD and MnM! 13 Years ago
Yup i also dig the new knobs, as they feel quite a lot better. Only downside is they collect dust and grease like hell. And i just cant stand dust on my beloved elektrons.
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King Koopa
Posts: 217
Re:Sweet, new knobs for the MD and MnM! 13 Years ago
@fragmentated, stupid question, but can you be a bit more detailed about the spoons? which part of the spoon do you put under the knobs etc? i'm thinking about trying to pry some knobs soon and would love a safer way to do it.
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Posts: 10
Re:Sweet, new knobs for the MD and MnM! 13 Years ago
jdn wrote:
@fragmentated, stupid question, but can you be a bit more detailed about the spoons? which part of the spoon do you put under the knobs etc? i'm thinking about trying to pry some knobs soon and would love a safer way to do it.

Hold the handles and use the part you would eat from to put under the knobs (the tip of the spoons under the knob). Ideally you would place them on opposite sides of the knobs but does not exactly work that way on the 8 knobs together on the MD/MnM. Once positioned as far on opposite sides of the knob as possible gently press the spoon handles down. Use the curvature of the spoons to push the knobs up and off the pots. Just remember to push evenly, slowly and carefully with both spoons at the same time and the knobs come right off without any problems.
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Hammer Bro
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Re:Sweet, new knobs for the MD and MnM! 13 Years ago
for all of you who are scared of knob is some info:


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