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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Site Suggestions IMPORTANT - FORUM FUTURE (1 viewing)
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Game & Watch
Posts: 2845
Re:IMPORTANT - FORUM FUTURE 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Great work Nils, I tweeted some messages to HQ over the past couple of weeks but don't know if it made a difference.

I think companies need to realise the HUGE importance of forums and the impact on their business, in an ideal world there would be an employee whose sole job is to maintain the forum, I daresay there are people here who would do such a job for a fair wage, hell I would.

A forum is only as good as its members, and fortunately we don't have too many dramas or disruptions, there are many people I've interacted with on here who have taught me something, be it a trick or idea, or even changed the way I think about something - perhaps not even related to music, the point is we are a community, a band apart, language and culture are no barrier, and that is worth protecting and encouraging. I suspect many sales of Elektron products are attributable to this forum and content made by its members.

I hope that the new forum migrates all the messages and files, even if the messages are locked and placed in a separate viewable archive area, perhaps this is what is taking the time?

I'll be kind of sad once this place is no more, but hope that all the good vibes and Ryan's vision of how it is conducted will continue at Elektronauts.
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Re:IMPORTANT - FORUM FUTURE 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Nein wrote:
tIB wrote:

If it aint broke dont fix it. (its only broken because of Kitchen Spam of course)

Can this place not be given a facelift, polish added security etc etc and carry on as is (sort of with a few updates blah blah blah). Why not ?

managing two forums would probably be an extra job for elektron but i agree with what tIB said. this forum feels a bit like home, it has given and still gives a lot to the community, thanks to the users and all the people that work on it.
adding some security features to the forum would do the job and would keep this place alive. i wouldn't mind if elektron would keep both forums: the official one (elektronauts) and the community driven (elektron-users).. but i guess elektron has to make a choice in the end, we'll see...
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King Koopa
Posts: 276
Re:IMPORTANT - FORUM FUTURE 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Glad to hear progress is being made, though keeping new users out will be a problem and people will need it explained to them.

I am also concerned that Elektron will neglect the new forum, given how they've handled this one. I don't BLAME them, as they're a small company and have limited resources. They've always been good to me in support.

But without good management, a forum can go from great to terrible in no time. Have a look at the forums to see a worst-case scenario, where the quality just drops and people are jerks. There are good people there but a low signal to noise ratio compared with these forums.

If they would just hand over the reins to the members here, it could keep going indefinitely. We've had lots of volunteers to do work on the search function and managing the board, and in terms of the costs of keeping it running, if a few of us oldsters with decent-paying jobs donated $20 a piece each year, it would be covered.

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Game & Watch
Posts: 1910
Re:IMPORTANT - FORUM FUTURE 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Daren's inspired me to chime in so here's what I would say about the new forum: "keep the vibe but cut the spam". I think the Community Driven focus of the site is a big part of what makes it what it is. What I would hate to see is this becoming more of a tech support site once it was moved under Elektron's wing, or if some other kind of corporate feel got into the forum. Elektron has always stopped by the forum every now and then (rightfully so, and even got a great new employee out of here ) but it's a bit more fun to play around when "Mom and Dad" aren't stepping in all the time.
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Hero of Winds
Posts: 1597
OP-1 and Ableton Live (everything else is waiting for studio renovations...which are slow since I'm doing it)
Re:IMPORTANT - FORUM FUTURE 10 Years, 11 Months ago
If there's enough interest in creating a new community driven forum to replace this one, I will certainly be able to help with time, as well as a donation. It's a wonder this site held up as long as it did, and testament to Ryan as well as many of you who have held it together the last year or so since he passed.

I would hate for the community to lose all of the resources in this forum (especially if the official site doesn't import any of this).
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Posts: 160
Re:IMPORTANT - FORUM FUTURE 10 Years, 11 Months ago
This site has meant an awful lot to me over the years, and its been horrible watching the wheels fall off it since Ryan's passing. I have no technical knowledge but I would help in whatever way I could if we were to develop a new, community driven site or look at taking this one on. I know that elektron have no interest in trying to fix this site (and fair play, it would be a lot of work to decode how it is set up I'd imagine, if super admin powers have even been transferred to them), but if it could be done I'd certainly be up for putting a penny in the slot and putting the moderator hat back on if needed. Something special has been created here, I'd rather not see it go to waste. I'm happy to be a part of is forum, but an elektron driven forum doesn't appeal to me at all... If the community aspect is gone the vibe we have here goes with it IMHO.
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Posts: 2387
Re:IMPORTANT - FORUM FUTURE 10 Years, 11 Months ago
thanks a bunch, nils! i hope you are doing well. i am really looking forward to an invigorated forum. sad to say that i am one who got burned out deleting spam and just stopped coming by for a while. i am really looking forward to the next iteration.

i fully agree about the forum being a huge source of business for the company. i wouldn't be an elektron head or have purchased 3 boxes from them if it weren't for this forum.

i would also be willing to put time in any capacity into a new community driven site. hopefully whatever elektron has up their sleeve will appeal to us in the same way this site has in the past.
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Posts: 34
Re:IMPORTANT - FORUM FUTURE 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Another user here who wouldn't have bought three elektron boxes if it weren't for this place. In fact, I'd go so far as to say the ideas on the web are the reason Elektron's doing so well. After all, who hasn't, for example, seen the 'IDM in a box' youtube vid, or listened to Siesta's Ghosts'n'dubs etc?

I'm not aware of any company whose internet users were so instrumental in shaping the success, the products, and the direction of that company. Maybe it's all just coincidence, company and users on the same path, but I doubt it.

Wherever the forum goes I'll follow it, but I understand a need to keep Ryan's legacy intact.
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 330
Re:IMPORTANT - FORUM FUTURE 10 Years, 11 Months ago

Thanks Nils for the update.
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King Koopa
Posts: 219
Re:IMPORTANT - FORUM FUTURE 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Yes, thank you Nils for the update. I tried today to signup on Elektronauts...not working (yet)?

We´ll see. If there´s anything to help speed things up, let me know.
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