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TOPIC: EU Album: Track Titles
King Koopa
Posts: 297
Re:EU Album: Track Titles 14 Years, 6 Months ago
mmhhh tetsuo, a tsukamoto trax ....

Good Idea, Monomachine prepare yourself to noise music !!!

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Posts: 2932
Re:EU Album: Track Titles 14 Years, 6 Months ago
my favorite machines of all time: Inhibitors

have served as inspiration for several tracks. . . ! . . .that I never finished. . .

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Posts: 2387
Re:EU Album: Track Titles 14 Years, 6 Months ago
turing test - a proposal for a test of a machine's ability to demonstrate intelligence
neural net - often in reference to AI
certainty grid - referring to some of the work of Hans P. Moravec.
mind children - another moravec reference. 1988 book.

and while we are on the sci-fi thing:

charles stross
karl schroeder
ken mcleod

are some of my modern favorites. presenting the AI, nanotech, and post human ideas of morovec, kurzweil and many others as implicit and integral to the worlds they write about.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 2845
Re:EU Album: Track Titles 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Reorder your consumables
divisions of the integer
a very modern polymer
logic bomb suicide
runtime renegade
last years model
incremental advantage
Where 10=2 (a tale of 10 bits)
the upgrade path
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Posts: 979
Re:EU Album: Track Titles 14 Years, 6 Months ago
anselmi wrote:
someone said "machine nation" in the other thread and this reminds me the machine´s country on the animatrix series, the palce where the machines live and start the world domination and the matrix itself...they call it "01"

Obviously not C-based machines...Pascal maybe?

Speaking of names...

- machine language (used in programming to refer to assembly language)
- move long (keeping with the programming bibble babble)
- bit swap
- low order
- under the button (ie: what goes on underneath the trig button?)
- l.e.d. (play on LED)
- quantized image

ok...I better stop...I could do this all night but then no one would eat dinner in my house!
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1218
Re:EU Album: Track Titles 14 Years, 6 Months ago
Great stuff guys! I'm am (and we are) very pleased to see this idea taking air under its wings. Keep the track titles coming. Couple of favourites:

Machine language - when put programming this way, it sounds like machine culture
IF, BUT, AND - captures something common both human and machines

I'll add couple of my own tomorrow.
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Posts: 7925
tIB was here
Re:EU Album: Track Titles 14 Years, 5 Months ago
Im adding these:

Chess related:

Nikolai Gudkov VS M2-11: A Soviet super-computer (for chess) has been ordered to stand trial for the murder of chess champion Nikolai Gudkov -- who was electrocuted when he touched
the metal board that he and the machine were playing on.

Deep Thought, Deep Blue, Chess Machine, Kasparov and the Machine... based on the 'computer victory over man in 1997'... more info here, along with the most hilarious youtube argument Ive ever read in the text comments

Non chess related:

Chin Soo Ying: Chin Soo Ying who had designed a computer system in 1950
(based on the British Colossus) to express words of love and emotions.
The article related how after he had built a new machine in the 80s,
he was electrocuted by the old machine.
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Posts: 888
really should upload some more recent tunes but there you go
Re:EU Album: Track Titles 14 Years, 5 Months ago
nothing like a scorned computer
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Posts: 7925
tIB was here
Re:EU Album: Track Titles 14 Years, 5 Months ago
positronic- after The_Positronic_Man... Isaac Asimov and Robert Silverbergs book about a robot who tries to be human.
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