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TOPIC: Alesis Micron
Posts: 127
My latest album: 3/5 Q Magazine, 4/5, buy it here!
Alesis Micron 18 Years, 3 Months ago

I bought a Micron yesterday, spent all night reading the manual and tweaking and...

...I love it!

If the Micron was a dog, it'd be one of those little fun ones that are a bit stupid but love you a lot and try hard to please. Sometimes they get confused and drop notes due to exceeding polyphony limits but, hey, that's dogs!

It's a scrappy, happy terrier next to the Monomachine which is a sleek, powerful lapphund.

Occasionally when I'm playing back a setup I've made, one of the parts will do an amazing glitch. Totally random, sounds great. Dunno why. And it doesn't happen on the presets... hmmm...

I picked mine up for ?259 (actually, it was more like ?239 since I got some leads chucked in).

I recommend every Elektronmoomin check out the Micron if you haven't already.

It's FUN! :-D
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Posts: 2839
Re: Alesis Micron 18 Years, 3 Months ago
the Micron is absolutely essential in my lab and live rig. i don't think it can be beat for the money. i don't find programming that difficult either. you have to do some menu digging but its relatively painless.

in some of my gear lusty phases i've thought i'd let it go to have some more money but i always end up knowing i'll regret it. great pads, basses, keys, and the drum sounds are actually quite usuable.

i heart mine. its not a mnm are any other heavy hitter but its fits my polyphonic needs.

glad you enjoy yours too Jyoti!

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Posts: 127
My latest album: 3/5 Q Magazine, 4/5, buy it here!
Re: Alesis Micron 18 Years, 3 Months ago
It's just I didn't expect it to be as powerful as it is. I'd read the good reviews but it's only when you start programming you own sounds and setups that you realise the depth it can deliver.

Tonight, I programmed a percussion sound that resembles my favourite scrapy-metal-tube sounds from Absynth. It's lovely to have access to a sound like that in real time, tweakable and not pay gazillions for it.

Hmmm... might go and try to dig up an Ion/Micron users' group
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Alesis Micron 18 Years, 3 Months ago
Many people love this synth... along with the Evolver and the MicroKorg...they are the popular "cheap" synths.
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