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TOPIC: Evolver....WTF?
Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Evolver....WTF? 18 Years, 5 Months ago
Man, I just tried to use my evolver and I cannot figure out one thing. The manual seems to be in another language. Is this thing only for synth geeks who know all the right jargon? I'm pretty dumb...but always seem to figure out the basics of my gear on the first sit down. I can't even figure out anything besides playing the presets. Is this thing difficult to anyone else? I'm truly stumped.
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Re: Evolver....WTF? 18 Years, 5 Months ago

jsrockit wrote:
Man, I just tried to use my evolver and I cannot figure out one thing. The manual seems to be in another language. Is this thing only for synth geeks who know all the right jargon? I'm pretty dumb...but always seem to figure out the basics of my gear on the first sit down. I can't even figure out anything besides playing the presets. Is this thing difficult to anyone else? I'm truly stumped.

just knowing the basics of synth should be enough but you should also get the evolver editor. you can find it on the evolver website
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Evolver....WTF? 18 Years, 5 Months ago
Yes, I understand a bit...and have figured out the matrix etc. The thing that seems to be my hang up is how to get an empty bank so I can start from scratch (all 512 programs seem to contain sounds / sequences already) and once I get a clean slate... then maybe I can try to program my own sequence. Can anyone tell me how to delete a program?
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1051
Re: Evolver....WTF? 18 Years, 5 Months ago
I do not think you can delete and have emptiness - but there might be a way to initialize a patch (which opens up the filters and makes just a basic waveform for you to start with)

either that, or there are a few init programs in there. I think the manual mentions that (sold my evolver over the summer so I do not really remember)
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Posts: 2932
Re: Evolver....WTF? 18 Years, 5 Months ago
jsrockit --

right before i sold my evolver, someone from the evolver list put out a pdf document called "the definitive guide to evolver" (or something along those lines). GET THIS DOCUMENT. It is really well written and explains lots of things step by step -- I think even how to intialize settings (not sure if it's just one keystroke, or going parameter by parameter, but either way, once you have an init patch, you can save it and then work from there at least or copy it to other locations. . . ).

i'll poke around and see if i can find it, in which case I will post it here on EU, since lots of people seem to use the evolver in conjunction with the elektrons.

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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Evolver....WTF? 18 Years, 5 Months ago

milkmansnd wrote:
I do not think you can delete and have emptiness - but there might be a way to initialize a patch (which opens up the filters and makes just a basic waveform for you to start with)

I'd be ok with this... anyone know more?
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Evolver....WTF? 18 Years, 5 Months ago

papertiger wrote:
jsrockit --

right before i sold my evolver, someone from the evolver list put out a pdf document called "the definitive guide to evolver" (or something along those lines). GET THIS DOCUMENT. It is really well written and explains lots of things step by step -- I think even how to intialize settings (not sure if it's just one keystroke, or going parameter by parameter, but either way, once you have an init patch, you can save it and then work from there at least or copy it to other locations. . . ).

i'll poke around and see if i can find it, in which case I will post it here on EU, since lots of people seem to use the evolver in conjunction with the elektrons.


I have it...and I think this may work. It 107 pages long...whooooo... I think I may print it at work tomorrow. I hate long PDF files. The guy who made this has alot of equipment and seems to love figuring ever little thing about it.
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Posts: 2932
Re: Evolver....WTF? 18 Years, 5 Months ago
ha -- i was just going to link it for you. seriously though, read it -- it's worth it. I know not everyone likes to read manuals and docs like this, but essentially the guide is the practical application of all the technical shizz that's in the evolver "manual."

and definitely print it at work -- they owe it to you. heh.

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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Evolver....WTF? 18 Years, 5 Months ago

papertiger wrote:
ha -- i was just going to link it for you. seriously though, read it -- it's worth it. I know not everyone likes to read manuals and docs like this, but essentially the guide is the practical application of all the technical shizz that's in the evolver "manual."

and definitely print it at work -- they owe it to you. heh.


I'm not opposed to reading a manual... I read the evolver one all this morning...I just get frustrated when I read it and I still am clueless lol. The guide will def help...I glanced at it and it is for numbskulls like me. I always read my manuals or I wouldn't even know what to do. Something like an old school mono synth...I don't need the manual ever (who does)...but anything with a sequencer, effects, patch memory etc... I can never figure out blindly.
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Posts: 2932
Re: Evolver....WTF? 18 Years, 5 Months ago
with all due respect to Dave Smith (who is one of the nicest guys ever -- he responds to emails personally regarding his synth! that's commitment), the manual for the evolver is more a list of what the parameters *do* rather than an *explanation* of what they do. That's why the definitive guide is a great supplement to it. Personally, I feel like well written manuals balance the two (what the parameters do, and explanation).

i don't blame you for feeling disatisfied with the manual, and i didn't mean to imply that you were lazy, etc. I think pretty much anyone that owns something like an evolver or an elektron is going to be a manual-reading-knob-tweaking synth nerd. =)

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