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TOPIC: Evolver....WTF?
Killer Beez
Posts: 1051
Re: Evolver....WTF? 18 Years, 5 Months ago
or a preset rocker! :-D
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 635
Re: Evolver....WTF? 18 Years, 5 Months ago
I believe that bank 0 patch 127 should be an init patch...I copied it all over the place, then do a mass write over 10 patches at a time when I sit down for an editing session. You can also make your own custom init patches, with different sequencer, osc, ext in, and modulation presets.

yeah, the evolver requires a fairly thorough understanding of how subtractive synthesis works in an abstract way...little nuances can throw you at first but you'll get used to them. example, the evo has a VCA level knob as well as a VCA env depth knob...not many other synths have that...but not many other synths can make self-playing, always-on drones, either...

also one to watch out for is the way modulation is set have 4 generic modulation slots which can be used to route anything to anything...but you also have several dedicated modulation slots with pre-set sources (velocity, aftertouch, etc), so there's really a ton of modulation flexibility in this thing...but you don't have to use it if you don't need it.

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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Evolver....WTF? 18 Years, 5 Months ago

ggoodwin wrote:
I believe that bank 0 patch 127 should be an init patch...I copied it all over the place, then do a mass write over 10 patches at a time when I sit down for an editing session. You can also make your own custom init patches, with different sequencer, osc, ext in, and modulation presets.

Bank 0? Oh ok... I'm using OS 3... it is bank 2 I think...#128. I just looked at the manual again... it says it is a basic keyboard program with most parameters off. It says it is a good starting point. However, the manual doesn't say how to copy this only tells you how to copy a sequence. I put it away to tell you the truth...until I can print out the other manual tomorrow.

The other #128s are test programs...and it says you can trash them... however, it doesn't say how. Weird.
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 635
Re: Evolver....WTF? 18 Years, 5 Months ago
to save a program to a different slot: ok, you know how you have to hold that main button for a second until it flashes, then press it again to save? Do that, except rotate the program select knob while it is flashing, until you arrive at the destination slot where you want to save...then hit the button again.

so how is your quest for evolver masterdom coming? let me know if you have any specific questions on it.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Evolver....WTF? 18 Years, 5 Months ago

ggoodwin wrote:
to save a program to a different slot: ok, you know how you have to hold that main button for a second until it flashes, then press it again to save? Do that, except rotate the program select knob while it is flashing, until you arrive at the destination slot where you want to save...then hit the button again.

so how is your quest for evolver masterdom coming? let me know if you have any specific questions on it.

Thanks for the hint. I downloaded the guide...and took the day off from work tomorrow to learn well as see the new Apple products.
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 635
Re: Evolver....WTF? 18 Years, 5 Months ago
oh man, I love Gear Days...I haven't taken one in...well, actually, I took one last week.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Evolver....WTF? 18 Years, 5 Months ago
Need more help. I have figured out a little more about the Evolver. I am still confused though. Basically I start with the basic patch (OS 3, Bank B, patch 128) and make Osc 1 and Osc 2 a triangle wave, then I put the frequency of each to say C3. However, once I turn the VCA just drones. Ok, so I let it drone...because I am learning and am happy to hear something I actually programmed...or rather made make a noise. Then I go to learn the sequencer...which I can get to run but I have no idea how to program like a baseline using those 1-100 values. Basically I am used to programming actual notes (a, b, c d, e, etc) instead of values. I never used a CV style sequencer. What do these values represent? I understand the reset and off options...but not the values 1-100. I put the sequencer destination to Osc All Frequency and it changes the tone / pitch a bit...but I want to be able to understand it and control it.

So basically, I need to understand how to stop it from droning all the time..but also play when I hit the sequencer start button. (I have only figured out the turning down the VCA stops it from droning lol). Then I need to understand how to program actual notes using the sequencer.

Any help would be perfect. Thanks.
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 635
Re: Evolver....WTF? 18 Years, 5 Months ago
what you mistake for odd behavior is actually some of the evolver's massive flexibility coming to light...VCA controls the level of the amp circuit. when you set it to something other than zero, you are bypassing the amp envelope and listening directly to the oscillator mix. what you're looking for is the knob right next to vca level, i.e. env amount. set that to full and leave vca level at zero for your typical amplitude envelope sounds. modulate env amt with velocity for the "hit key harder, sound plays louder" thing.

as for the sequencer, IMO it is actually not that well suited to traditional note-by-note sequences like you might have in mind, but it is possible. the note value is actually multiplied by two, so to go up an octave you add 24, not 12. then 0 corresponds to the lowest note it can do, c -2 I think, and works up from there. check the manual for specifics. You can also set rests. There is also a feature to enter note values from external midi source which I would highly recommend for you...except that I forgot how to engage it...I think you hold the sequencer button and hit start, or something.

also, make sure to read the section on the different trig modes for your patches. very important. you can have the sequencer trig the envelopes or not, have the sequencer start on midi note, have midi gate the sequencer, even trig the sequencer from external in threshold...all kinds of stuff..check manual page 33...there were also some new modes added with version 3, you'll have to look them up though since I don't remember where that info was found...

be advised that there are plenty of "quirky" behaviors that the sequencer does, for example if you are trying to sequence filter env decay, you might assume that higher values would cause the filter decay to take longer, but it is actually inverted in that case, so that higher values make it close quicker...

it's 75% experimentation and 25% asking on the internet...also, check out KSS forums at, there's a lot of very knowledgeable evolver folks over there, including a guy who helped design it.

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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Evolver....WTF? 18 Years, 5 Months ago
I'm straight now. Feel better. I'm different than most...I actually hate learning new equipment. However, once I know the is cool.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Evolver....WTF? 18 Years, 5 Months ago
I am very happy with this synth. I learned how to use the sequencer to make basslines...and now know what values equal which notes and how to use the transpose. Very cool synth. It is crazy how you are used to using a few different synths...but then one comes along that stumps you just because it is a bit different.
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