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TOPIC: Waldorf Microwave Vs. DigiPro (MnM) Vs. DSI Evolver
Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Waldorf Microwave Vs. DigiPro (MnM) Vs. DSI Evolver 18 Years, 6 Months ago
What is the difference between a synth like the microwave and the MnM's version of using digital waveforms (DigiPro) and the DSI Evolvers two Digital Oscs. Do they all sound similar...or are they at least based on the same idea? The only one I have now is the MnM...with the DSI Evolver coming my way on Tues. I was buying the evolver for the analog aspects...but I think I will love the 2 digi osc as well.
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 635
Re: Waldorf Microwave Vs. DigiPro (MnM) Vs. DSI Evolver 18 Years, 6 Months ago
I can't speak on the microwave...I've wanted one for years but have never touched one.

The DigiPro has the wave offset parameter and the cool sequencing abilities of the monomachine. The evolver has two wavetable oscs which can FM each other, and also you have user-loadable wavetables. You can do wavesequences using the evolver's sequencer, but I prefer the sequencing on the MnM. You can get similar sounds out of each but I think the evolver wins in overall flexibility and also the basic oscillator sound quality (also factoring in the real analog filter on the evolver).

They are a great compliment for each other, to be sure...but in my studio I usually reach for the evolver when I want some wavetable sounds.

Almost forgot to mention that using the two digital oscs in wide-stereo mode on the evolver, with different parameters on each, sounds amazing
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Re: Waldorf Microwave Vs. DigiPro (MnM) Vs. DSI Evolver 18 Years, 6 Months ago
Yes, I'm very excited about the Evolver. I mean the Monomachine is my favorite synth at this time. I love that there is so many different synthesis styles and you basically have a track for each...all in one box. Love it. However, the evolver is cool because it is cheap, can be a two ocs analog or a two osc digi synth...or both at the same time. It just seems to be the best deal ever...hope I feel the same way after I actually own it and use it. Can't wait for Tuesday. Picking up my MPC today as well. Anyone use the Waldorf? Is it worth owning if you have the Mono and the Evolver?
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Posts: 1368
OT, MD-UW Mk2, SFX-60 Mk2, SFX-6
Re: Waldorf Microwave Vs. DigiPro (MnM) Vs. DSI Evolver 18 Years, 6 Months ago
I have MnM, MPC, and Evo. The MnM and the Evo play nicely together, and are tonally in different worlds. The overall sound they produce is, to my ears, much fuller than each create individually. The real analog oscillators on the Evo sound really, really (really) good.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Waldorf Microwave Vs. DigiPro (MnM) Vs. DSI Evolver 18 Years, 5 Months ago
So, no uWave users?
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 635
Re: Waldorf Microwave Vs. DigiPro (MnM) Vs. DSI Evolver 18 Years, 5 Months ago
duuuuude, I just won an microwave xt on ebay, I'll let you know how it sounds once I get to play with it for a bit...just from reading up on the net, it seems like some crazy sheit, WAY more indepth than either the digipro or the evolver.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Waldorf Microwave Vs. DigiPro (MnM) Vs. DSI Evolver 18 Years, 5 Months ago
cool...let me know... that's the orange one? How much?
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 635
Re: Waldorf Microwave Vs. DigiPro (MnM) Vs. DSI Evolver 18 Years, 5 Months ago
I got it for $530 shipped...I figure if it doesn't work out, I can sell it for a small profit and be chill...
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Waldorf Microwave Vs. DigiPro (MnM) Vs. DSI Evolver 18 Years, 5 Months ago
good price.
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 635
Re: Waldorf Microwave Vs. DigiPro (MnM) Vs. DSI Evolver 18 Years, 4 Months ago
I've been playing with the microwave XT for a few days now, and it's blowing me's really easy to get a cool sound out of this thing. Aside from the wavetables, it is a really solid little VA synth with cool filter types, solid arpeggiator, and an awesome mod matrix...but the main attraction is definitely the wavetables, which drip with these cool timbre morphs which you can't really get with any other type of synthesis. The pads on this thing are just bliss. Talk about swirling, evolving, shimmering, etc. I'll try to post some demo sounds in a day or two.

It would never be mistaken for an analog synth, though...but who cares. I like the digital sound, and embrace it. There are other options to get that real analog sound. Not much bad to say about this synth so far...some of the multi and utility operations are a bit cumbersome, and one or two obscure parameters are buried a little deeper than I'd like...but the knobby interface makes editing pretty painless. Plus, little things like the save/restore/compare setup are all really well done...the design on this synth is just nice and makes me sad for the ghosts of Waldorf...solid engineering, nice knobs, etc.

I would love to track down the voice expansion, but 10 voices is enough for one nice pad sound plus a few supporting sounds.

Overall, the wavetables on the microwave just blow away anything on the evolver or monomachine.
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