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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Other Gear Roland SH-101 or Moog Rogue? (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Roland SH-101 or Moog Rogue?
Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Roland SH-101 or Moog Rogue? 18 Years, 5 Months ago
Nope, working overtime and getting a fat bonus from I'm just gonna blow it all on equipment.
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 352
Re: Roland SH-101 or Moog Rogue? 18 Years, 5 Months ago
I need overtime. Work has been slow.
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Re: Roland SH-101 or Moog Rogue? 18 Years, 5 Months ago
well, I have to chime in and vouch for the Roland SH101

there's a sequencer, and an arpeggiator, which are both a blast to use with a modular setup.

Also - I have the 101's grandfather, the SH-09 - I've gigged with that board for the last year or so and have been extremely happy with its' performance.

I'd recommend going for the 101 as it does come in a bit cheaper than the Pro-1 or Rogue, and then start building a modular

But that's just me..
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Roland SH-101 or Moog Rogue? 18 Years, 5 Months ago

endmusik wrote:
well, I have to chime in and vouch for the Roland SH101

there's a sequencer, and an arpeggiator, which are both a blast to use with a modular setup.

Also - I have the 101's grandfather, the SH-09 - I've gigged with that board for the last year or so and have been extremely happy with its' performance.

I'd recommend going for the 101 as it does come in a bit cheaper than the Pro-1 or Rogue, and then start building a modular

But that's just me..

All of the exact reasons I want one...and it most likely will be my choice.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Roland SH-101 or Moog Rogue? 18 Years, 5 Months ago
What is everyone's thought on the Korg MS-10?
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Re: Roland SH-101 or Moog Rogue? 18 Years, 5 Months ago
its got a much heavier bass sound than the 101, the agressive filter distorts at around 6 peak, less smooth refined sound. works best as a bass synth but its also good for bubbly fx and more. semi modular so works great with other patchable gear [esp the pwm input] its some seriously tuff sub bass sound for hiphop stuffs. the 101 is an equally great machine and possibly more fun to use, with the excellent sequencer and arp section and smooth filter.
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Posts: 108
Re: Roland SH-101 or Moog Rogue? 18 Years, 5 Months ago
I have had the pleasure of playing with my roommates SH-10, a MS-10 (on loand to him), and a Pro-One (mine).

The SH-101 is a single osc monophonic synth with a "sub-osc". It is easy to use (patch creation was a sinch), vintage c/v gate type synth. Out of the three synth mentioned, I would feel most comfertable taking it on the road. While is not built like a tank... it can take some abuse! From what I can remember the sound was, smooth, deep, and powerfull. Oh, and it had a self-oscillating low pass filter. (Personally I am on a the look out for a SH-2)

The ms-10 is also a single osc monophonic synth, with a LPF. I loved the RAW bass that came from this synth. I am on the look out for one of these too. The only bad thing was the pots were worn, and changing a value of a knob almost always caused some scratchy sounds.

The Pro-One is a great dual osc monophonic synth. I can get some awesome sounds out of it, and always enjoy playing it. However, its keyboard sucks. I got the j-wire version, and while it is more reliable than the membrain, it still is not reliable. I like the filter on the Pro-One, and the Env is quick! The sound is by far one of my faves, and I have recently descovered how much fun it is to run it threw my Future Retro Revolution's (TB-303 type synth) filter! Acid bass in a instant!

CV/Gate is the common controll for all of the above vintage synths, and thus a MIDI to CV/Gate converter will be needed. Or you can go with a synth that has a CV/Gate converter built in and save some cash. The Waldorf Pulse+ is a nice option, as well is the Future Retro Revolution.

I own the Pulse +, and have used the MIDI to CV/Gate converter on it. Works great! However the Puse + is not a easy synth to program. The user interface is not easy to navagate, and thus a externel controller would be prefered. It is built like a tank, but beware of knob abuse. (Mine has a knob that still works but appears to be floating, and not connected to the PC

As I wanted a synth that had MIDI to CV/Gate, DIN sync, and was easy to program. I picked up the Future Retro Revolution. It is easy to use, the filter is amazing, and the overdrive is wild. While I am not a big fan of the digital effects on the unit. I do like the sound. The build on this synth is great, I do wish it was a bit smaller, but over all the layout is easy to use. Now all I got to do is learn to program acid lines... anyone got some input on that?
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re: Roland SH-101 or Moog Rogue? 18 Years, 5 Months ago
I ended up going with neither. If I do buy a vintage synth... it will be a pro-one or a MS-10. However, I have my eye on the MEK right now.
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