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TOPIC: Evolver questions...
Evolver questions... 18 Years, 6 Months ago
...I've got a few ones.

* Will the Evolver's sequencer sync to my MD?
* Will I be able to control each of the four osc's via the MD's pattern sequencer?
* How many pattern's can I store on the Evolver?
* How does the fx section on the Evolver score? (Excluding the filter which I've heard is fab.)

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Posts: 163
MD-UW - SFX-6 - SidStation
Re: Evolver questions... 18 Years, 6 Months ago
Oh, one more...when will the posting for guests be switched off?

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Re: Evolver questions... 18 Years, 6 Months ago
hey ingrid.

I sync my evolver alot to my MD and it works like a charm, great combo!
I don't know if you can control the osc's via the sequencer, haven't tried it.
The evolver has 4 banks of 128 patterns.
The FX section is not that great, the delay is not bad,
the distortion is pretty weak, but you can overdrive the circuit!
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Posts: 163
MD-UW - SFX-6 - SidStation
Re: Evolver questions... 18 Years, 6 Months ago
Thanks for the swift reply.

I placed an order for it just now after reading you reply. It seems even better then I thought! I bet it'll be a absodudelutly great companion for my newly updated MD-UW. No more computeronie on me.


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Killer Beez
Posts: 1051
Re: Evolver questions... 18 Years, 6 Months ago
the evolver was a fun box. The only reason I got rid of mine is that the monomachine put it to shame and it was redundant.

also, lack of knobs and the interface of the evolver are a little weak.

the sound however, is huge! I really reminded me of my Pro-1 except the filter was less colored. The Pro-1 has kind of a grainy filter whereas the evolver is more like the traditional moog-ish sound.

the sequencer on the evolver is definitely awesome - but again, the monomachine...

everything is syncable, and my favorite part was using midi to trigger it rather than run it - you'll see when you get it, there is a mode that can do that. Its like an arpeggiator on crack. fun :-D
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Posts: 1368
OT, MD-UW Mk2, SFX-60 Mk2, SFX-6
Re: Evolver questions... 18 Years, 6 Months ago

milkmansnd wrote:
the evolver was a fun box. The only reason I got rid of mine is that the monomachine put it to shame and it was redundant.

Not so sure about this. I have both MnM and Evo, and I find they sound nothing alike. In fact, they compliment each other nicely.
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1051
Re: Evolver questions... 18 Years, 6 Months ago
I agree - but when you have 15 synths, and you want to buy 15 more something needs to get cut. This was my rationale - I have the pro-1, and the monomachine. Therefore the evolver was just sitting collecting dust. So I brushed it off and sold it.

Now, if I came into a small fortune I would definitely get the poly keyboard. Or would I get the prophet 5? Somebody donate money to me and see what I do!
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Re: Evolver questions... 18 Years, 6 Months ago
Evo is HELLA more warm than the MnM. The Evo can technically do many of the same things the MnM does, but sounds less digital cold. If you want digital cold on the Evo, you can get it. You can thin out the sound with highpass. I do like the MnM more though actually, just cause of useability.

So on the Evo, in order to control the 4 oscs individually, you have 4 possible MIDI CC controls on the Evo, just assign those individually to controls on the machinedrum MIDI out machine.
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Re: Evolver questions... 18 Years, 6 Months ago
The Evo has a very distinctive character. I personally think it's GREAT as an effects processor. The filter is great and you have really fast LFO's and envelopes plus the sequencer to add value and flexibility to that. That's sort of the theme with the Evo as a effects processor. Similarly, you have three delay taps with two feedback loops... these delays are so flexible, you can run them with very short delay, modulate them with LFO's and you will be able to get chorusing and flanging effects that sound VERY good out of them as well... the feedback loops give it special capabilities unique to the Evolver. Everything is also modulatable by OSC3 and 4 (the digital OSCS) as well, besides the LFO's.... this can help you create REALLY unique effects including your own customized distortion effects. In addition, all modulations can be scaled by keytracking to give you control over the effective range. In short, it's a MONSTER in a little package
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 635
Re: Evolver questions... 18 Years, 6 Months ago
big ups the evolver...I love that thing...I agree, it is an excellent complement to almost any piece of gear.

I use it with the monomachine, it comes up with distinct bass timbres as well as "evolving" chord pads that the MnM doesn't feel like doing.

I've had great results using the evo as an output processor on my the sid a noise gate, delay, and different sounding/more filters.

recently I have some nice drone patches from the evo going into my SPS1-UW...gated textural madness. I haven't even tried sampling it yet...

Soon I'll be plugging my new bass guitar into the evo to see what kind of stuff I can do with the evo's envelope follower.

for the price these things are ($350 used), I think EVERYBODY who likes synth music should have one.
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