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TOPIC: Worthwhile budget analogue synths...any thoughts?
Posts: 1368
OT, MD-UW Mk2, SFX-60 Mk2, SFX-6
Re: Worthwhile budget analogue synths...any thoughts? 18 Years, 9 Months ago
Yes, completely the same. SFX-6 + desktop Evo here.

The Evo is a hardcore synth. You have to know what you are doing to get anything out of it. Elektron stuff, although incredibly deep, has an entry level of functionality that anyone can get up an running with in short order. Not so with the Evo.

That being said, I've been working almost daily with the Evo over lunch for 20-30 minutes, and I'm starting to get usable, interesting sounds out of it. It has a great sound that compliments the Mono well. It adds warmth and fullness (whatever that means) to the Elektron mix. I've been using it at low volumes as a second line background percolator. When I have better chops, I'll use it more in the foreground. There are some very cool interactions between the Evo sequencer and the Mono's.

The Evo is a lot like the Nord Micromodular -- you get out what you put in. It's not really set up to just start grooving, and you have to program it in a serious way to get anything useful. But man, I believe in the sound. It's freakin' wicked! Melting, buttery, slice-off-your-head-in-a-loving-way goodness.
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Re: Worthwhile budget analogue synths...any thoughts? 18 Years, 9 Months ago
i agree that the Evo is a hardcore synth; very powerful and lots going on. but I disagree that you really have to know what you're doing to use it well. I found it easy to get up and running with it in minutes, and it was one of my first synths! no, it's not like the Elektron gear, but once you've created a couple patches, you start to get a real feel for it and can program the thing blindfolded. however, I'd have to agree that it's not immediate at all. that's part of the reason why I sold mine, great though it sounded (and incredible deal that it is).

original poster: I find it ridiculous that you are so interested in learning about which synths are excellent and cheap and great values for the money...when you've got three of the best bang-for-the-buck synths in your arsenal and you haven't even explored one of the most interesting parts of one of them! I'm talking about the FM synths in the MnM! get on that shit, man! appreciate what you've got, learn the hell out of it and only look for more when you feel stifled by it! seriously, I thought that Elektron fans, of all electronic musicians, would be less prone to GAS given the depth of the Elektron gear and how it just stomps all over other gear, in terms of sounds, musical fulfillment, value and features... I mean, I know you're just curious to learn more about what's out there and that's cool...but seriously, check out what you've got! there's LOTS to be found!
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1051
Re: Worthwhile budget analogue synths...any thoughts? 18 Years, 9 Months ago
I agree - there is almost as much depth to the FM+ machines as there is in the evolver.

However, the evolver is a different animal - to me I see the boxes at 2 ends of a spectrum:

MnM.....................................................................................................DSI Evolver

on the left side there is something that is different than other synths out there in terms that its got a different filter type, machine types that are highly uncommon (the SID in particular - I mean, those are not everyday synths!) And the user interface is more basic and entry level *seeming* - as in, you can dial in sounds looking at the nice GUI on the LCD. However, we all know that massive amounts of detail and originality can be reached with the sequencer and LFO's.

On the right hand side, we have the evolver, which is a more conventional type of synth - subtractive, ASDR filters and ENV, etc. Also, believe it or not its got a very conventional sequencer - sure, it seems radical - but this is a throwback to the analog sequencers of old that Dave Smoth built with SCI - the evolver is an inexpensive, highly adaptable conventional synth and sequencer.

So whats in the middle of these 2 extremes? In my opinion, you have stuff like the Waldorfs and the Virus's and the Nords - shit that is highly usable, somewhat adaptable, and somewhat conventional to use and design on. ASDR - maybe has a seq - maybe has a little character to the filters... you know what I mean.

If you are looking for just another piece of gear - and you want it cheap - you are going to be forced to settle for something mediocre, unless you are quite lucky and score something. Or you are going to get something that is highly out of fashion like an alpha-Juno, which is a very usable and sick synth btw, and going cheap on ebay! However, before the money spends, I would spend a week making music with just the machines on the monomachine that you usually pass over - the VO, the FM+ and see where that takes you. If its not to a good place, then perhaps you might want to think about something more conventional - something towards the middle on that stupid chart I just made :-D
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Hammer Bro
Posts: 635
Re: Worthwhile budget analogue synths...any thoughts? 18 Years, 9 Months ago
Good work, chart boy.
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1051
Re: Worthwhile budget analogue synths...any thoughts? 18 Years, 9 Months ago
wait until you see my Venn Diagram... I should make one for this!
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 417
Re: Worthwhile budget analogue synths...any thoughts? 18 Years, 9 Months ago
Uhhh. Thanks?

If anybody feels like responding to the question in a straight-forward manner, go ahead. :-?

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Posts: 1368
OT, MD-UW Mk2, SFX-60 Mk2, SFX-6
Re: Worthwhile budget analogue synths...any thoughts? 18 Years, 9 Months ago
I think the straightforward opinion of most of the forum is 'use what you already have'.

And, oh yeah, let me amend: 'have to know what you are doing or be a supragenius from the planet Geekton'.

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Chain Chomp
Posts: 417
Re: Worthwhile budget analogue synths...any thoughts? 18 Years, 9 Months ago
Forget I said anything. Just curious about people's experience with stuff they're enthusiastic about--surprisingly satisfying purchases, etc.

I'll be quiet now.

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Posts: 1368
OT, MD-UW Mk2, SFX-60 Mk2, SFX-6
Re: Worthwhile budget analogue synths...any thoughts? 18 Years, 9 Months ago
Naaa, it's cool. We're just here to help each other out and voice our opinions. I've bought and sold tons of stuff in the last 5 years, but the most valuable thing I've learned is that you can express yourself musically with just about any gadget. It seems like this gig is about getting what's in your heart and mind out into the world as sound waves, and the actual tools you use are secondary to that. With the caveat, of course, that Elektron gear just smokes anything else for accomplishing this. I mean, back in the day, when I didn't know what the fuck I was doing, I was grumpy about having a Yamaha A3000, Yamaha Rm1x, and a Nord Modular. Damn! Even today that setup can do just about anything. But I didn't put the time into learning the tools.
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Posts: 154
Current \'gear\': Korg Legacy controller, Launchpad, Renoise.
Re: Worthwhile budget analogue synths...any thoughts? 18 Years, 9 Months ago
i think that the sequential sixtrak is great. it offers 6 monophonic tracks of analog voices that could be sequenced easily from something like the monomachine. it is all CC-controllable, so again, the MnM sequencer would be great for manipulating sounds. cheap these days and sounds wonderful.

i've been very happy with the Roland SH-101. instant gratification. no setups or menus (or patch memory...); everything is right in front of you. the little sequencer is great for sketching out melodies, basslines, and such.
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