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TOPIC: Re:LinnDrum II - Roger Linn & Dave Smith
Game & Watch
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Re:LinnDrum II - Roger Linn & Dave Smith 16 Years, 5 Months ago
jsrockit wrote:
Now, hageir and I may just be rookies when it comes to this beat making we can't fathom using 64 tracks. I keep it simple because my little brain just can't handle the data.

well, like I said, 64 tracks make sense, if you're strictly hardware, and ca. 50 tracks are midi only
like controlling outboard effects, other synths, etc.

but a beat with 64 sounds?
c'mon, that'd be ridiculous!

I'd love to hear one though, hahahaha
unmuting new tracks for hours..
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Posts: 2932
Re:LinnDrum II - Roger Linn & Dave Smith 16 Years, 5 Months ago
i think some of you are missing the point: more tracks gives more flexibility with respect to how people work. some people like that kind of flexibility while others find it overwhelming -- it's not a matter of right or wrong or making tracks with 64 different drum sounds or not. It's a matter of finding and using the gear how best it suits you. . . if it doesn't suit you at all, use something else.

I for one would have loved to see more tracks on the MD mkII, but that wish or hope is not right or wrong, just like anyone's opinion on how many tracks the linndrum II should or shouldn't have is right or wrong.

Just my 2 cents.

and hageir. . . i bet with the amount of drum layering that goes on in most electronic (and other?) music, a beat with 64 different sounds is not that farfetched -- again, it just comes down to how the artist works.

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King Koopa
Posts: 226
Re:LinnDrum II - Roger Linn & Dave Smith 16 Years, 5 Months ago
crap, I was hoping to find some flute music at the end of this thread...
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Posts: 160
Re:LinnDrum II - Roger Linn & Dave Smith 16 Years, 5 Months ago
64 track beats?
Are we trying to miss the point?
I know it's a drum machine, but uh, with 2gigs of sample storage and a decent track count you could use alot of tracks on layering and creating textures/atmospheres/SFX before even touching the musical elements. AKA, using it like a limited MPC, or an old school MPC with extra beef.

Ya ya, they said they were not setting out to make another MPC during the first revision, at the same time they also suggested we wouldn't be able to load and store our own samples and look what happened there. At any rate, with a decent track count it could be used like an old MPC, if you don't see the use in that [for musicians in general] there is something wrong with you.

What's likely to be the final tech-spec [or not] isn't worth debating, right now we should just encourage good ideas and email suggestions to dave & roger. During the first revision, when it was first announced and pictures presented, I emailed both asking/begging for user sample storage and look what happened, according to the rogerlinn site they are 'sincerely grateful' for all the suggestions they received and are asking for more.

or we could just meticulously analyze everything they said thus-far as if it's written in stone, be pedantic and shoot people's ideas down and argue over what exactly the difference between a drum machine sampler, a sampling drum machine & an MPC is.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re:LinnDrum II - Roger Linn & Dave Smith 16 Years, 5 Months ago
Ish-ka wrote:

or we could just meticulously analyze everything they said thus-far as if it's written in stone, be pedantic and shoot people's ideas down and argue over what exactly the difference between a drum machine sampler, a sampling drum machine & an MPC is.

Ok, I'm sorry if I offended anyone on here with my comments (Especially Actuel, who did not have to go out of his way to extend a peace offering, since I was the one being antagonistic).

In reality, I could really care less if this machine has 200 tracks... I was just trying to get at you guys in a playful way. However, my comments were not taken the right way due to lack of emoticons and that is my fault. In all seriousness, people stick up for machines that are thin on specs all the time. Basically, I'm saying 16 tracks is a good amount...and would still be a killer machine.
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 Last Edit: 2008/01/11 22:38
Re:LinnDrum II - Roger Linn & Dave Smith 16 Years, 5 Months ago
jsrockit wrote:
Ish-ka wrote:

In reality, I could really care less if this machine has 200 tracks... I was just trying to get at you guys in a playful way. However, my comments were not taken the right way due to lack of emoticons and that is my fault. In all seriousness, people stick up for machines that are thin on specs all the time. Basically, I'm saying 16 tracks is a good amount...and would still be a killer machine.

In reality I rarely use more than 16 tracks for a song period. For a Drum Machine that seems like plenty - for recording midi it's enough too.

Glad we're all friends again.
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Posts: 2839
Re:LinnDrum II - Roger Linn & Dave Smith 16 Years, 5 Months ago
and now for some upbeat flute: Play link

special shout out to 'Hyphen'

(Flute in the Blues Nathan Davis)
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re:LinnDrum II - Roger Linn & Dave Smith 16 Years, 5 Months ago
megawatt wrote:
jsrockit wrote:
Ish-ka wrote:

In reality, I could really care less if this machine has 200 tracks... I was just trying to get at you guys in a playful way. However, my comments were not taken the right way due to lack of emoticons and that is my fault. In all seriousness, people stick up for machines that are thin on specs all the time. Basically, I'm saying 16 tracks is a good amount...and would still be a killer machine.

In reality I rarely use more than 16 tracks for a song period. For a Drum Machine that seems like plenty - for recording midi it's enough too.

Glad we're all friends again.

I feel the same way...but then again...I could see how Aphex or Autechre (or people of that sort) may want more. Since I stick to basic, early 90's inspired repetitive hip-hop loops...I tend to be minimal.
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Game & Watch
Posts: 4248
Re:LinnDrum II - Roger Linn & Dave Smith 16 Years, 5 Months ago
actuel wrote:
and now for some upbeat flute: Play link

special shout out to 'Hyphen'

(Flute in the Blues Nathan Davis)

Oh man, I just remember the beat from the Beatsie Boy's Flute Loop... I gotta pull that out when I get home.
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King Koopa
Posts: 226
Re:LinnDrum II - Roger Linn & Dave Smith 16 Years, 5 Months ago
actuel wrote:
and now for some upbeat flute: Play link

special shout out to 'Hyphen'

(Flute in the Blues Nathan Davis)

now that is what I am talking about!
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