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TOPIC: Re:Rodec Sherman Restyler or Pioneer RMX 1000 or OTO Biscuit
Posts: 77
Rodec Sherman Restyler or Pioneer RMX 1000 or OTO Biscuit 10 Years, 11 Months ago
I'm really trying to decide on something that is easy to use with the Octatrack. I have plenty of midi stuff hooked up to my octatrack this hardware would be used specifically for recording into my DAW or after I've recorded into my DAW.

Any opinions??
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Posts: 17
Re:Rodec Sherman Restyler or Pioneer RMX 1000 or OTO Biscuit 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Personally I gave up on stereo fx, there just aren't enough outputs on the octatrack but...

The biscuit is a fantastic sounding multi-fx. The analog filter really works perfectly with the lo-fi dsp and it's all midi controllable so you can parameter lock everything with the OT. If the pitch shifter wasn't so stepped it would be the best thing in the world. A word of warning though, the filter doesn't self oscillate and is only available after the 8-bit dsp block so if you are looking for a traditional analog filter you probably want something else.

I didn't really click with the restyler so your mileage may vary. It was great as a sort of extreme dj isolator especially with the amplitude modulation of the different bands but I really would have liked an lfo. I just don't have enough hands.

If you forget about stereo, fx get a lot more interesting too..
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 460
A man's opportunities are never exhausted so long as other men (who are not his friends) possess millions of acres and thousands of tons of gold.
Re:Rodec Sherman Restyler or Pioneer RMX 1000 or OTO Biscuit 10 Years, 11 Months ago
i had a restyler, its really great, sounds awesome, the gater thing is kinda cool, but i cant imagine its as useful as the other ones, its mostly pretty simple filtering. sweeps mostly,
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Re:Rodec Sherman Restyler or Pioneer RMX 1000 or OTO Biscuit 10 Years, 11 Months ago
It's only mono, but where the Restyler is vanilla, the Filterbank from Sherman is a chocolate-strawberry-chilli-bacon-booze-nitro-intergalactic bomb with post-apocalypit aftertaste. In other words: a really dirty and fun filter that is just as much a distortion unit, if not more so than just a filter.
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Posts: 150
Re:Rodec Sherman Restyler or Pioneer RMX 1000 or OTO Biscuit 10 Years, 11 Months ago
have both biscuit and restyled. restyler is great for chopping things up, but without an LFO, can work real magic on some things, but is also somewhat limited. the biscuit is just ridiculous, in terms of the breadth of what it can do, plus you get a monosynth. so if you only get one, i say biscuit, though much of the bit crushing on the biscuit is too extreme for my taste. regardless, sending (e.g.) MD into biscuit into restyler is truly wicked, so go for both! (as for those touting the sherman, the mono limitation kind of sucks, depending on what you want to do, in which case there aren't many stereo options.)
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Posts: 77
Re:Rodec Sherman Restyler or Pioneer RMX 1000 or OTO Biscuit 10 Years, 11 Months ago
I am open to any other suggestions as is the type of music I am making with the octatrack:


I am leaning towards the filterbank 2 and the restyler. Is anyone using these as send FX into a mixer or would this interfere or dampen the final output...I use the octatrack as my mixer and just output the signal straight into my computer to record. I am new to understanding mixers in general any help is much appreciated and recommendations.
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Posts: 69
Re:Rodec Sherman Restyler or Pioneer RMX 1000 or OTO Biscuit 10 Years, 11 Months ago
slight hi-jack... can one sequence the OTO biscuit FX etc.. i mean inside the biscuit itself and not via midi?
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Posts: 17
Re:Rodec Sherman Restyler or Pioneer RMX 1000 or OTO Biscuit 10 Years, 11 Months ago
tasmansea wrote:
slight hi-jack... can one sequence the OTO biscuit FX etc.. i mean inside the biscuit itself and not via midi?

There is a step filter which has a sequencer and the synth has a simple sequencer but other than that no.
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Posts: 69
Re:Rodec Sherman Restyler or Pioneer RMX 1000 or OTO Biscuit 10 Years, 11 Months ago
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 460
A man's opportunities are never exhausted so long as other men (who are not his friends) possess millions of acres and thousands of tons of gold.
Re:Rodec Sherman Restyler or Pioneer RMX 1000 or OTO Biscuit 10 Years, 11 Months ago
i think the filterbank is really a guitar effect sold for synths,,,, it makes an insane distortion, if you don't do that, the resonance and harmonics sound great on guitar strings,
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