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Elektron-Users Elektron Forum Other Gear Q and A session if anyone has some ms20 mini questions! (1 viewing)
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TOPIC: Q and A session if anyone has some ms20 mini questions!
Posts: 119
Q and A session if anyone has some ms20 mini questions! 11 Years ago
the store i ordered from was not supposed to have them until june 24t, so imagine my surprise when i went to walk outside, and there was a box, with the korg logo just sitting at the end of my driveway, i nearly fainted!! I quickly ran inside, canceled my plans, and re- arranged some stuff on the side of my studio desk to make it nice and reachable to tweak.

Ive played with it a good ammount, and I dont think a lot of other people have recieved theirs yet... at least that I know... so if anyone has any specific questions they want answered.... i will answer them for you.. maybe will make you order one, or maybe it will make you cancel your order.... but ask away!

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Chain Chomp
Posts: 381
Re:Q and A session if anyone has some ms20 mini questions! 11 Years ago
Is there any reason not to get one?
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Posts: 137
Re:Q and A session if anyone has some ms20 mini questions! 11 Years ago
Is there any posibility to use parameter locks with my Octatrack and a Korg MS20?
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Chain Chomp
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Re:Q and A session if anyone has some ms20 mini questions! 11 Years ago
mcpepe wrote:
Is there any posibility to use parameter locks with my Octatrack and a Korg MS20?

Nope - it is basic note on of recieve only.
If you had an Analog 4 you could parameter lock CV values etc...
That said the SubPhatty will do this and is very well implemented midi specification wise.
Just for the record I have both an MS20Mini and a Sub Phatty - the Sub Phatty may be better suited if that's how you want to work but it will in no way sound like an MS20.
Totally different sonic footprint all round.
That said there is nothing stopping you sequencing teh MS20Mini from the OT , tweaking live, sampling the results and mangling the bejesus out of the recordings in the Octatrack either .
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Posts: 85
Re:Q and A session if anyone has some ms20 mini questions! 11 Years ago
You should also be able to use parameter locks with the Bass Station II when it is released.
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Chain Chomp
Posts: 572
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Re:Q and A session if anyone has some ms20 mini questions! 11 Years ago
recyclinglostcities wrote:
You should also be able to use parameter locks with the Bass Station II when it is released.

Indeed - this one looks like pretty good option also.
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Posts: 119
Re:Q and A session if anyone has some ms20 mini questions! 11 Years ago
sorry guys, i made this, and nobody replied so i kinda forgot about it. (too busy playing with my ms 20 haha) so first question is there any reason not to get one? .... i would say money thats about it. I pre ordered it in march and used a 20 or 25 percent off coupon from musicians friend and it came to like 460 or something and it wasnt a steal, it was a HEIST! using this thing with the A4 and monotribe is just out of control. When i got into synths, synthesis etc for some reason i wanted an ms20 so so so bad. I dont know why, the look? i mean the sound is great, but it was always an instrument that just looked like plug shit into me, go crazy, etc, but it was like 3k on ebay for something that could potentially die 2 days after i got it....

So sorry for the super long answer, if you can afford it, get it. Like other people have said, you can use P locks using the A4, you can feed it into the OT, Mangle the shit out of it. Its nice. The Ring mod with an var. par lock values to an Lfo , with a long asssss dark reverb from OS 1.25, or the supervoid verb from A4 is just so so so nice.

and in regard to the bass station 2, It was anounced literally like 2 days after i got my minibrute. The LAST thing i need is another monosynth..... DAMN YOU NOVATION.. ( i love you)

the real question is.... it was down to MD or OT, i needed something for drums, and midi sequencing , and i chose OT, and its been great.... but i feel like i would love a MD. Do i need the UW??? .i really want a poly analog synth.... well i kind of want a poly evolver, and its so much money so i was thinking not get the UW, and put that money towards the poly.... do i need the UW?? Hows the monomachine drums?

sorry if i sound like a tweeker writing this Ive had like 4 cups of coffee today, and ive been making patches for about 9 hours. thanks
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Posts: 85
Re:Q and A session if anyone has some ms20 mini questions! 11 Years ago
How are the knobs? In some of the coverage I've seen, they seem like they'd pop right off with little effort.

I predict that a lot of Minibrutes are going to start popping up used as these and the BSII start hitting the shelves.
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Posts: 119
Re:Q and A session if anyone has some ms20 mini questions! 11 Years ago
it seems that korg tried to predict which knobs would get used the most and made those more heavy duty, like cutoff freq. and the wave shapes, tuning dials etc... other knobs are a bit wobbly, but they are fine honestly. I wouldnt take it out to a gig where i was going to be drinking and tweaking the shit out of them, but for controlled enviroments, studio work they are absolutely fine. As more people start getting theirs I can see more people coming up with better solutions to make them sturdier, more mods just like the monotribe/monotron mods (PWM SOMEONE?!?!?) etc. Im just in heaven right now, i got an ms20 in my living room, the A4 hooked up to it, making sequences that would make the sq-10 proud.... and lifes ok today.

As for the minibrute, i can use that, and the ms20 with the A4 and do some wacky shit with it, I also have it cv'd up to my monotribe, which acts kind of like a midi/cv converter since i have the midimod on it.... so its ok. The minibrute is quite brutal, but it can kind of be gentle too... I like it

Ill eventually get a bass station, i know myself. but first comes the MD, poly evolver or mopho x4 or something of that nature, MnM maybe need more research, and I find myself wanting an OP 1 really badly for some reason recently. Ive convinced myself im going to write masterpieces on the train or something.

but yeah.... such is life with OCD and GAS
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King Koopa
Posts: 212
Re:Q and A session if anyone has some ms20 mini questions! 11 Years ago
QUESTION: Does it have background hiss/noise when a key is pressed(most noticeable on bass/sub bass sounds)?

I have seen a couple youtube videos of bass patches, but they don't sound very good to me because of background hiss whenever key is pressed...This reminds me of how noisy the monotrons are, which is why i got rid of them....
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