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TOPIC: DJ mixer with Aux send
DJ mixer with Aux send 11 Years ago
Looking for a DJ mixer with 3-4 channels (max) and 4 aux sends. I can´t seem to find any on the great internet and thats why I´m asking you all.

I´m not looking for a "normal mixer" like a Mackie and so on, they all seems to have too many channels if they got more than 2 Aux sends.

please drop a line if you know any.

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Hammer Bro
Posts: 618
Octatrack : Analog Four : NM G2
Re:DJ mixer with Aux send 11 Years ago
Look at the Allen & Heath Xone DJ mixers (expensive) or the Behringer NOX models (cheap copies of the A&H).
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Re:DJ mixer with Aux send 11 Years ago
I don´t see that any of them has 4 aux sends, or am I missing something?
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Re:DJ mixer with Aux send 11 Years ago
Can't think of any really.

Can you explain why you need 4 AUX sends on a DJ mixer, what do you want to do? You need 4 different FX that can be on at the same time, one for each channel? What for? Typicallly when you add FX as a DJ, it's either on the master or on one specific channel.

Then again, I'm not a modern DJ, I'm an old vinylhead, I don't really know what's going on in a modern DJ's setup.
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Re:DJ mixer with Aux send 11 Years ago
It´s the hole old story of mixer or no mixer in the live set and I´m scouting possibilities.
I normally have my Op-1 and the A4 going into OT´s AB and CD input. I do this because I resample the inputs seperatly, together and the main output too.

If I had a mixer with say 3 channels I would be able to put the A4, the OP-1 and the OT on ones seperate channel on the mixer instead of everything going through the OT´s stereo out . I would use the aux sends(4 send or 2x2 stereo send) to feed the OT for the resampling dutys of OP-1 and the A4.
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Posts: 3802 - Specializing in mastering and mixdowns of electronic music.
Re:DJ mixer with Aux send 11 Years ago
I can't think of a single DJ mixer with more than 2 aux sends, it's just not something most DJs really need.
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Posts: 151
NYC's wreckedest sounds:
Re:DJ mixer with Aux send 11 Years ago
Numark Matrix 3 has 3 channels, a stereo aux effect, and a stereo pre-fader level send. Each channel has a button to route it to either of the two sends. Note, though, that sending to the aux effect will mute the input in the channel, while sending to the pre-fader level send will not (unless you also pull down the fader).

I found this mixer great for live pa, and they're so cheap (I got both of mine for $30 each).
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Re:DJ mixer with Aux send 11 Years ago
Thanks to you all for the input.
I think I´ll wait and see what the future might bring and until I´ll do with the OT at my multi mixer sound and sampler wonder machine.

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Posts: 108
Re:DJ mixer with Aux send 11 Years ago
Never heard of such a thing - it sounds to me you'd do better finding a proper studio / pa mixer and working out a cueing solution (Mackies are really good at this).

I mean it just seems easier to figure out a cue on a mixer that has this capability than to look for a dj mixer that has functionality you never find on dj mixers, but often find on regular need to reinvent the wheel knowwhatimsayn?

But yes - 4 aux sends is what I would consider a lot, so is likely only going to be found on bigger mixers.

It would help to know what dj-mixer feature you cannot live without...crossfader? cueing?

Having said all that, the classic Vestax PMC-55 has direct outs for every channel - I've never come across another mixer with this much routing power.

Finally a more DIY route would be to build a powered box that sits in between gear and mixer inputs and provides a pre-mixer send, amlified for signal degradation since you would be splitting the signal to two places.
Another take on this idea is to hack open a four channel mixer and build one before the master output.
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Posts: 17
Re:DJ mixer with Aux send 11 Years ago
I have a A+H Zed 10 which has a record bus I route to the OT in so I can easily record any of the individual tracks. All except the tiniest Mackies have a 3/4 bus (although a little more complicated monitoring wise) which can do something similar.

It's a bit over my head why you actually need to feed both the AB and CD inputs from separate sends but if that's what you need to do you should look into matrix mixers. Perhaps a Shure Auxpander?

I wouldn't recommend Vestax mixers, they don't hold up all that well. (I actually have a PMC-55 here that I use only as a GIGANTIC phono pre)
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