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Place your Sandbox sysex files, examples, etc. here!
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*You can add a preview audio player to your submission. Example: {mmp3dm}Name of file uploaded.mp3{/mmp3dm}.
Patterns & Kits Sortedhot! 11/25/2010  Hits: 7346
Droney Emmkithot! 03/24/2011  Hits: 5324
Single Machinedrum sysex kit with ambient/droney sounds. Internal machines only, can be loaded into any MD.
Amen Pat Kithot! 01/27/2013  Hits: 4995
Amen break pattern + kit for the MD.
swiv-Schneaf.syx (MnM)hot! 02/23/2010  Hits: 4952
PAT+KIT sysex dump for Swiv track "Schneaf." (FM DYN cello-like short stab type sound)
MD annoying w AMhot! 11/06/2009  Hits: 4859
MD; E12-BD with amplitude modulation in the two main riffs, as well as some other sounds to complement the pattern.
MachineDrum DJ Project Round 02 - samples hot! 03/03/2011  Hits: 4848

This ZIPped file contains what you'll need to get started on submissions for the MD DJ Project's Round 02, for which submissions will be accepted until April 30, 2011:

-24 SYSEX samples

-a text file with information on the specific slots in UW memory where you should load the samples, and on how to use the "LevelCheck" kit/pattern (Available separately!) to set your volume levels 


Starting Smoothly set - sysexhot! 01/11/2011  Hits: 4812
MD THRU JOMOXhot! 05/27/2009  Hits: 4789

Just got my M-res back from my mate so thought i would make a quick jam for anyone who is wondering what it sounds like. 

Pattern is simple while i tweak the M-res and occaisonally cut the kick.   The dry signal switches to wet after about 11 secs.

MachineDrum DJ Project 01hot! 11/25/2010  Hits: 4725
A ZIP file containing the submissions (as of Nov. 20, 2010) for the MachineDrum DJ Project: SYSEX, samples and text file with notes. For more details on the Project, see the stickies in the forum's Elektron Lounge. 
MDUW goes granula!re.syxhot! 09/20/2011  Hits: 4696

This is the SysEx file from an experiment about MDUW performing granulation.

The original topic can be found here

An audio exemple can be found here .

It contains one pattern and one kit.

The tracks 2, 6, 10 and 14 are relevant. Here are some settings -obviously tempo dependant. However, only the RAMPLAY track (and the optional low-attack-LFO track) need to be triggered.

Track 2: just for LFO purpose; LFO is modulating Tr10 START parameter.
Shapes: RAMP DOWN and RAMP UP.
Update: Free
Speed: 1*
Depth: 64**
Mix: 127=normal pla, 0=reverse normal speed (if speed=1; else, plays faster)

Track 6: optional, just for LFO purpose; used to get a softer attack, LFO modulates Tr10 volume.

Track 10: RAM PLAY machine.
PITCH: to taste!
HOLD: enough to allow re-triggering.
START: 64**
END: 128
RETRIG TIME: to taste, determines the grain size*
LFO modulates START parameter with a random shape.
SPEED: 127 so that it's faster than RETRIG TIME
UPDATE: free
DEPTH:to taste*
MIX: full random

Track 14: CTRL-8P machine for control convenience
P1: Tr2 LFOM --> timestretch
P2: Tr2 LFOS --> speed factor for timestretch
P3: Tr10 LFOD --> time jitter
P4: Tr10 RTRIG TIME -->grain duration

* These parameters are referenced by the CTRL-8P machine.
** These values shall stay constant.


Enjoy  :)


kit100_multiband.syxhot! 08/06/2008  Hits: 4608

monomachine (sfx-6) multiband compressor/distortion/whateverfx 


Document linked to : Link created on :Wed, 2008-Aug-06 06:23

set global routing to 3xstereo

:::track 1: "audio thru" machine "inpAB" to "AB" out bus --> INP127 this track lets you monitor the original signal

:::track 2: "audio thru" machine "inpAB" to "CD" out bus -->MIDs - INP127 - FILTER HiPass20-LowPass40

:::track 3: "audio thru" machine "inpAB "to "EF" out bus -->HIs - INP127 - FILTER HiPass40-LowPass127

:::track 4: "dynamix" machine "inpAB" to "AB" out bus -->LOWs INP64 - FILTER HiPass0- LowPass20

:::track 5: "dynamix" machine inpBus "CD" to "AB" out bus -->MIDs INP64

:::track 6: "dynamix" machine inpBus "EF" to "AB" out bus -->HIs INP64

don't forget to trigger all 6 tracks and setting the AMP envelopes so the signal will not cut off.
please be very carefull with ALL VOLUME and INPUT settings cause I am not responsible for any broken speakers alt

Lcvl - MD Kit 01hot! 05/12/2008  Hits: 4562
A simple kit for your Machinedrum, comprising percussive instruments, synthetic tones and bass notes.
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