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Place your Sandbox sysex files, examples, etc. here!
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mono dub sandboxhot! 03/27/2008  Hits: 4468
Sysex for atmospheric dub sounds on Monomachine
No Hookshot! 04/18/2008  Hits: 3656
Song + pattern + kit - a good exemple how to use song mode wth pattern lengths/offset and transpositions.
MerryXmashot! 04/18/2008  Hits: 3395
Song + pattern + kit for Sakamato's  'Merry X-mas Mr Lawrence' (audio file in Monomachine exemples)
Xmasremixhot! 04/18/2008  Hits: 3432
Song + ¨pattern + kit for the the Merry X-mas Mr remix (audio file in Monomachine exemples)
jgb-mm-sandboxhot! 04/21/2008  Hits: 4418
Elektron-ish dub, I used 100 bpm for this one.
swiv - Pea sysex and sampleshot! 04/23/2008  Hits: 3803
Song + Pat + Kit sysex dump for the track Pea. Oriental string and percussion samples are included - see the text file for ROM positions. Original track is at
Lcvl - MD Kit 01hot! 05/12/2008  Hits: 4536
A simple kit for your Machinedrum, comprising percussive instruments, synthetic tones and bass notes.
kit100_multiband.syxhot! 08/06/2008  Hits: 4577

monomachine (sfx-6) multiband compressor/distortion/whateverfx 


Document linked to : Link created on :Wed, 2008-Aug-06 06:23

set global routing to 3xstereo

:::track 1: "audio thru" machine "inpAB" to "AB" out bus --> INP127 this track lets you monitor the original signal

:::track 2: "audio thru" machine "inpAB" to "CD" out bus -->MIDs - INP127 - FILTER HiPass20-LowPass40

:::track 3: "audio thru" machine "inpAB "to "EF" out bus -->HIs - INP127 - FILTER HiPass40-LowPass127

:::track 4: "dynamix" machine "inpAB" to "AB" out bus -->LOWs INP64 - FILTER HiPass0- LowPass20

:::track 5: "dynamix" machine inpBus "CD" to "AB" out bus -->MIDs INP64

:::track 6: "dynamix" machine inpBus "EF" to "AB" out bus -->HIs INP64

don't forget to trigger all 6 tracks and setting the AMP envelopes so the signal will not cut off.
please be very carefull with ALL VOLUME and INPUT settings cause I am not responsible for any broken speakers alt

mentasmishhot! 02/17/2009  Hits: 3291

.syx patch for mentasm-esque hooverbass on the monomachine. Uses kit.31 on pattern H5.



MKII Digi Exampleshot! 04/29/2009  Hits: 3564
These are the sysex's i promised from this thread some time ago: Feel free to tweak, learn, hate, etc. I just ask that you don't use my work and call it your own. Enjoy, and any all all feedback is welcome. Still feel like a noob!
Nils e12 retrighot! 05/14/2009  Hits: 3742
Sysex for an MD pattern; example of how to use the E12 retrig machines for melodic purposes.
MD THRU JOMOXhot! 05/27/2009  Hits: 4746

Just got my M-res back from my mate so thought i would make a quick jam for anyone who is wondering what it sounds like. 

Pattern is simple while i tweak the M-res and occaisonally cut the kick.   The dry signal switches to wet after about 11 secs.

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