monomachine (sfx-6) multiband compressor/distortion/whateverfx
Document linked to : Link created on :Wed, 2008-Aug-06 06:23
set global routing to 3xstereo
:::track 1: "audio thru" machine "inpAB" to "AB" out bus --> INP127 this track lets you monitor the original signal
:::track 2: "audio thru" machine "inpAB" to "CD" out bus -->MIDs - INP127 - FILTER HiPass20-LowPass40
:::track 3: "audio thru" machine "inpAB "to "EF" out bus -->HIs - INP127 - FILTER HiPass40-LowPass127
:::track 4: "dynamix" machine "inpAB" to "AB" out bus -->LOWs INP64 - FILTER HiPass0- LowPass20
:::track 5: "dynamix" machine inpBus "CD" to "AB" out bus -->MIDs INP64
:::track 6: "dynamix" machine inpBus "EF" to "AB" out bus -->HIs INP64
don't forget to trigger all 6 tracks and setting the AMP envelopes so the signal will not cut off.
please be very carefull with ALL VOLUME and INPUT settings cause I am not responsible for any broken speakers