It's a stupid randomizer for the monomachine for the minicommand,
you can select the track you want to randomize and it randomize every parameters in synth page or fx page excepte the tune one.
BTN1 : randomize synt parameters (except tune one ) on the current track
BTN2 : randomize the fx parameters (be carefull with the feedback delay ) on the current track
BTN3 : randomize all the trax parameters and fx (full chaos here ;) )
Knob1 : select the current track
it's stupid because to make it clever i have to get the actual parameters of the patch to make random variations
stupid but fun
BTN4 : calm down button (put the feedback delay to 0)
KNOB2 : LOP filter ( all the trax)
KNOB3 : HIP filter cutoff ( all the trax)
BTN3 : remove the feedback from parameters to random
My first little programm for the minicommand
Just a variation of the random sequencer from the minicommand to make it a little step sequencer, send notes at 100bpm on channel 1
BTN 1 : random note + velocity in the sequence
BTN 2 : Page 1/page 2
BTN 3 : step up in the step sequencer
BTN 4 : step down in the step sequencer
First Page :
LEN : lenght of the sequence from 1 to 16 (it changes every 16th step now )
TRN : transpose the sequence ( 0, +3 , +5, +7, +12) semitone
STP : just the information of the current STEP for modification
Second Page :
VEL : velocity of the note
PCH : pitch of the midi note
STP : just the information of the current step ( modification with BTN3 and BTN4)
it's a work in progress but i'm pretty happy with it, next step : external midiclock
Just got my M-res back from my mate so thought i would make a quick jam for anyone who is wondering what it sounds like.
Pattern is simple while i tweak the M-res and occaisonally cut the kick. The dry signal switches to wet after about 11 secs.
.syx patch for mentasm-esque hooverbass on the monomachine. Uses kit.31 on pattern H5.