This is the more detailed user list from my original Russian Dragon brochure - this is a box that measures timing accuracy to withing a tenth of a millisecond. You will recognise a few names, studios and companies - including Digidesign, E-Mu and MOTU as RD customers. Regards David.
This is from my Russian Dragon brochure - this is a box that measures timing accuracy to withing a tenth of a millisecond. There are quite a few heavy weight users here. Have a read what they have to say about rhythmic timing - regards David.
This is a .pdf file of a matrix of the start/end points of RomMachine 25-32.
I use it like this:
Open the a sample that you've copied/gonna copy to UW in a sample editor.
I use (shift+Apple+4) to activate the OSX screenshot thingy. (use special app. on PC). Then I capture the waveform as big as possible: 'click'
I use Illustrator (but any cut&paste graphix app. will do) to import the PDF file
rom25_32strtpnt.pdf. Then I place the just taken 'photograph' of my waveform, and place it behind the matrix. Now i stretch the waveform till it fits. Now repeat till all your (25-32) rom samples are finished.
Then i use the Laser printer at work to print them on A3 size paper... (now even the smallest digit will be readable).
Now you have a quick lookup-table of where (what start/end) a certain part in a loop is. I use it for beat-loops and this works very well for me...
Hope more people find this helpfull. If not, please tell me and i'll quit using it myself :-D Not really, but please tell me if misstyped something. I'll revise it.
I hope Elektron can give some info's for the RomMach 1-24. Because i don't know how to calculate those.